(영문) 광주고등법원 2015.06.12 2014나2913

동대표 해임결의 무효확인


1. The defendant's appeal against the plaintiffs is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Defendant.

purport, purport, and.


1. Based on the facts, Plaintiff A was the Dong representative of Gwangju Mine-gu C Apartment (hereinafter “instant apartment”) 211 Dong (including 210 Dong 6 dong), Plaintiff B was the Dong representative of the instant apartment 209 Dong-dong (including 208 Dong 6Ra), and the Defendant was an organization composed of occupants of the instant apartment.

On January 30, 2013, the Defendant held a meeting on January 30, 2013, and agreed to lease nursery facilities in the complex to a person who presents a monthly maximum monthly rent of KRW 10 million, and a resolution was made to the effect that D, a management director of the Defendant, and D, a management director of the Dong, resigned from the Dong representative, and the Plaintiffs were present at each of the above meetings.

Unlike the above resolution on January 31, 2013, Defendant E set the terms and conditions of the bid as KRW 10 million, monthly rent of KRW 500,000,000, and publicly announced the selection of the lessee of the instant apartment-care facility. On February 6, 2013, Defendant E changed the highest price for the rent of KRW 10,000,000 and monthly rent to the selection of the tenant.

In the bidding procedure for the selection of a lessee of the above nursery facilities, D presented monthly deposit of KRW 10 million and KRW 5 million. The Defendant concluded a contract for the lease of nursery facilities (hereinafter “instant lease contract”) with the above D on February 21, 2013, and the lease term is from February 21, 2015 to February 21, 2015, and the deposit amount is KRW 10 million, while the monthly rent is KRW 5 million, and D submitted to the resident representative meeting for a two-month period to determine that the management status of the lessee is serious, the Defendant may adjust the rent by seeking the consent of more than a majority of the council of occupants’ representatives to determine the rent by adjusting the monthly rent.

Rent shall be determined within 5% of the income from childcare fees.

In such cases, childcare fees;