(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.10.11 2017나301672



1. The part against the defendant in the judgment of the first instance shall be revoked;

2. The plaintiff's lawsuit of this case against the defendant is dismissed.


1. The parties' assertion

A. Plaintiff’s assertion 1) As Gmpha, the Plaintiff: (a) was Gmpha, the Plaintiff was the head of H as a group of 24 years old descendants; (b) was naturally created by his lineal descendants for the purpose of maintaining graves and maintaining friendship and friendship among their descendants; (c) the Plaintiff acquired several lands as a clan property; (d) but, as the Plaintiff could not receive circumstances in the name of a clan, AE (27 years old), the grandchildren of AE (27 years old) who were the head of I, South Korea, were divided into the 40,165 square meters of the Gyeongsan-si, which was owned by the Plaintiff in 1917, the Japanese colonial occupation; and (e) was registered under title trust, the Plaintiff completed the registration of ownership of the forest in the name of AE, a lineal descendant (name F, AF, 29 years old, 193, hereinafter “the forest in this case”).

3) After L's death, M has completed the inheritance registration of the forest of this case. However, M provided the forest of this case as security for its own debt, and the Plaintiff was found to have recovered the forest of this case and managed the forest of this case by the method of transferring ownership to four of the I's lineal descendants. Ultimately, on December 30, 1963, the Plaintiff filed an application for the registration of ownership transfer with respect to the forest of this case with respect to the forest of this case with respect to the above AE's grandchildren (S, 29 years old), I's descendants P (28 years old), I's descendants (O, 28 years old), Q (name, 28 years old), and Q (name, 28 years old, 1/4 years old, 197 years old, 1/5 years old, 1977 years old, 1977, 1/4 years old, 25 years old, 30 years old, 197.