(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.04.10 2017고단8000




A Imprisonment for three years, Defendant B and C shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months.

Nos. 1, 7 through 9.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendants A and B conspired to take money and valuables by pretending sexual traffic customers to sexual traffic, using the fact that the crimes of foreign-registered women engaged in sexual traffic are not easily punished even if they were victimized by the crime, and making it difficult for the Defendants to report the crimes. On the other hand, the Defendants entered the sexual traffic place and conspired to take money and valuables by giving them frightening as if the police took control.

A. The Defendants committed the crime of November 8, 2017, along with I in accordance with the aforementioned conspiracy, and I: around November 8, 2017: (a) walked vehicles around 03:15; and (b) laid the Defendants to the “K” cartel in Seo-gu Daejeon, Seo-gu, Daejeon; (c) reported the network around the surrounding area; and (d) Defendant A searched the illegal sexual traffic site to mobile phones and pretended to customers, thereby entering the said 201.


A is a police officer who is a victim of a foreign sexual traffic (e.g., 41 years of age, English nationality) who is a female woman of his or her own sexual traffic, and takes a shower and bruscence.

Any means to say that it is true.

“A” and “A”, while misrepresenting himself as a police officer from the crackdown, have frightened the body of the victim with a cell phone, opened a door outside the door and entered the door, and then Defendant B entered the door, and then I would like to find the victim “A may have narcotics in the door.”

여권은 어딨냐

”라고 말하면서 피고인들이 함께 방을 수색하여 증거품을 압수한다는 명목으로 피해 자로부터 현금 등을 교부 받아 갈취한 후 공소장에는 피고인 B이 방으로 들어간 후 피해자에게 ‘ 마약을 찾겠다’, ‘ 여권은 어딨냐

However, in light of the victim’s police statement and the materials extracted from Defendant A’s cell phone phone, etc., the aforementioned remarks are recognized as Defendant A. As such, this part of the facts charged is the same.