(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2018.10.18 2018고정124



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of three million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, KRW 100,000.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and the victim C (n, 49 years old) were in de facto marital relationship from June 2017 to about six months.

1. Injury;

A. On November 26, 2017, the Defendant would not live together with the damaged person in the victim’s residence located in the racing-si D on November 26, 2017.

The phrase “,” refers to the following: (a) the victim’s head head is faced with sexual harassment by knife the part of the victim’s head by knife the part of the victim’s knife; (b) the victim’s head is knife by knife the part of the victim’s knife; (c) the victim was knife by knife the part of the victim’s head; and (d) the victim was knife at one time by knife the part of the victim’s chest; and (e) the victim knife the part of the victim’s chest was about

B. On December 8, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 18:00, at the F coffee shop located in Sejong-si, on December 8, 2017; and (b) from the injured party, the Defendant did not look at “this matter” from the injured party.

“I hear the word “,” and B. B. “I.D. with the same year of snick snick, 20 million won loan certificates, i.e., the same year of snick snick, 20 million won loan certificates, and if you are fully repaid, I.D. on the drinking house.”

“In doing so, the victim’s neck was boomed with the victim’s hand, and the victim’s face was 4 times with the hand floor, and the victim was boomed with the victim’s satise and satise with the satise that needs to be treated for about one week.


On January 1, 2018, the Defendant appeared at the racing cultural center in front of the racing cultural center, which is located in the Dongdong-dong, on the day of the racing on which the Defendant filed a complaint, and discovered the victims who want to board and return to Korea on a car parked in the above place after being examined at the racing police station. The Defendant moved the victims to the head of the above car operation, and tried to deduct the key of the victim’s vehicle from the key of the passenger vehicle.

In addition, the defendant was led to the victim's head debt to run away from the defendant, and again, the victim's booms over the body of the victim who was going beyond the victim to run away from the defendant, and the victim's booms down the victim's boom.