(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.08.12 2013가단185193



1. The Defendant: KRW 306,840,855 to Plaintiff A; KRW 5,00,000 to Plaintiff B; KRW 1,50,000 to Plaintiff C and D; and each of the above.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. On May 10, 2012, E: (a) around 17:10 on May 10, 2012, hereinafter referred to as “Defendant vehicle”); (b) G excavationers within the F unit of Gyeonggi-gun; (c)

(2) In the event that a waterway is sold by means of a waterway and a U-maid waterway is used, and the space between the waterway and the waterway is filled up (hereinafter referred to as “waterway work”).

2) During the process of the implementation, the Plaintiff had been injured by the Plaintiff, by shocking the Plaintiff A, who was in the course of the operation of the instant malket, which was separated from the malket to the malket, and did not properly connected the malket to the malket to the malket itself separated from the malket to the malket to the mal to the malket to the mal to the mal to the mal to the mal to the mal to the end (hereinafter referred to as “instant accident”).

(2) Plaintiff B’s wife, Plaintiff C, and D are children of Plaintiff A, and the Defendant is an insurer who entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the Defendant’s vehicle.

[Reasons for Recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap 1-4, 12 evidence (including various numbers of evidence A 4), Eul 1 and 2 evidence, the purport of the whole pleadings

B. According to the above fact of recognition of liability, the defendant is liable for the damages suffered by the plaintiffs due to the accident of this case as an insurer.

C. The limitation of liability, however, according to the above facts and each of the above evidence, the plaintiff A had the waterway transferred through the defendant vehicle work in the course of the waterway while in the course of the waterway work, and had the waterway connected with each other and the waterway connected with the waterway. This method of the waterway work is highly likely to cause safety accidents. As such, the plaintiff A must move from the waterway to the safe place during the course of the drilling work, and he must send a signal to the driver E so that he does not drive the accelerator until he moves to the safe place.