(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2015.04.10 2014고단788



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

An applicant for compensation shall be dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

To the extent that it does not substantially disadvantage the defendant's exercise of his/her right to defense, the following facts charged are organized and recognized as follows:

피고인은 2001. 7.경부터 2013. 3.경까지 서울 강남구 대치동에 있는 피해자 헨켈홈케어코리아 유한회사의 영업사원으로 근무하면서 피해회사가 제조한 살충제 등의 물품을 판매하고 대금을 수금하는 업무 및 판매물품을 출입고 시키는 등의 업무에 종사하였다.

1. As a business employee of a victimized company, the Defendant has a duty to sell goods at the price designated by the victimized company.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, at around 2008, tried to supply insects, etc. to the prices discounted by 5 to 10% below the prices designated by the victimized company in violation of the above occupational duties, upon requesting that the sales performance should be increased to E, which is a customer in influencing business, and that the sales performance should be increased to F, etc.

The Defendant, from March 2008 to December 2009, sold products, such as insects, in the office of the victimized company located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government (Seoul), entered as if he sold goods in the arm's length price, and then the head of the victimized company's business partner shall sell goods at a discount price of 69,726,04 won at a price of 5 to 10% below the arm's length price, and in the same manner, he shall grant the damaged company's profit at a discount of 14,42,562 won in total of 2011, 67,397,955 won in total, from March 1, 2008 to November 1, 2012, and at a discount of 69,72,77777,7777 won in total, 2011, and 39,31,381, 19,381, 2013 won in total.