상표권침해금지 등 청구의 소
1. The defendant shall not indicate the mark indicated in the attached list on the defendant's Internet homepage and store.
1. Basic facts
A. The Plaintiffs are trademark rights holders of the following registered trademarks (hereinafter “instant registered trademarks”).
1) 표장: 2) 출원일/ 등록일/ 등록번호: D/ E/ F 3 지정상품: 제30류 아이스크림, 커피, 과자, 차음료, 꿀, 대용꿀, 빵, 캔디, 케이크, 초콜릿, 쿠키, 밀크커피음료, 초콜릿음료/ 제35류 인터넷 종합쇼핑몰업, 연예인매니저업, 직업알선대행업, 광고기획업, 아이스크림 소매업, 의류 소매업, 커피 소매업, 꿀 소매업, 생수 소매업, 유제품 소매업, 담배 판매대행업/ 제43류 뷔페식당업, 서양음식점업, 셀프서비스식당업, 스낵바업, 식당체인업, 음식조리대행업, 음식준비조달업, 일본음식점업, 제과점업, 주점업, 중국음식점업, 카페업, 카페테리아업, 칵테일라운지서비스업, 패스트푸드식당업, 한국식 유흥주점업, 한식점업, 항공기기내식제공업, 아이스크림전문업
B. Plaintiff B is an internal director of Plaintiff A Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “A”) and the representative director of G Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “G”), and the Defendant is the chief director of HA, who is engaged in the breging and wholesale business, and the Defendant’s spouse is a person who is engaged in the breging and wholesale business, and the Defendant’s spouse is a person who is engaged in breging and wholesale business under the trade name of “J”.
C. From December 2014, 2014, the Defendant supplied a case, bak, baker, etc. to G from around December 2014, and the Plaintiffs from around 2015 to around the Defendant’s store and the Internet homepage to use the marks listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant marks”).
A contract for the supply of bread, etc. between the Defendant and G was terminated on September 2016, and the Defendant filed a lawsuit against G for the payment of goods on November 3, 2016, and on which December 14, 2018, the judgment ordering the Plaintiff to pay the unpaid goods amounting to KRW 8,538,937 and delay damages.