(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.02.09 2014고단5086




A Imprisonment for one year, and each of the defendants B shall be punished by a fine of 1,000,000 won.


B The above fine.


Criminal facts

"2014 Highest 5086"

1. Defendant A

A. On February 23, 2014, at around 01:00, the Defendant, while drinking alcohol together with drinking alcohol, such as Victim B (the age of 26) in the Epandeion House located in Jung-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, Jung-gu, the Defendant went out of the guest room, and went out of the victim’s room, and sleeped the victim’s face, arms, etc. with drinking water.

As a result, the defendant suffered injury to the victim, such as the victim's completion of treatment days on the right side of the treatment day.

B. The Defendant continued to fighting as above, and caused damage to the amount of KRW 70,000 per repair cost by putting the Victim B, who was parked in front of the panty fighting, a car owned by the victim Fi30 driver, a car owned by the victim B, on the ground that the Defendant continued to fighting.

C. The Defendant continued to engage in a fighting once again by taking a bath against B, and tried to remove his fighting match, and assaulted the said victim by pushing the victim G’s chest.

2. Defendant B, at the same time, at the same time and place as the above-mentioned 1-A (the above time and place, became a victim A (the age of 22) and a Siculb, spherbing the bat of the above victim, and met the face of the victim with his hand floor and drinking.

As a result, the defendant got the victim to receive approximately two weeks of medical treatment, resulting in multi-diversity, etc.

Defendant A is a person engaged in driving a HK 3 car.


A, around 06:00 on November 21, 2014, driving the above vehicle and driving the front road of the 354-lane, Seopyeong-gu, Incheon, Seop-gu, Busan, in the direction of the 354-day Busan, Seopung-gu.

At the time, Defendant A was at the front of the driver’s vehicle of the victim I(34 years old) driving, and Defendant A, who is engaged in the driving of the vehicle, had the front left, and operated the steering system accurately.