(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2012.09.04 2012고단401



1. Defendant A, B, F, and N

A. Defendant N in one year and eight months of imprisonment, Defendant B in one year and four months of imprisonment, Defendant A and F, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

[2012 Highest 401] Defendant A is a horse race track manager who spaws and manages horses, and Defendant B was a person who belongs to the horse race track from around 1996 to June 201. Defendant C and Defendant D are the number of horses belonging to the horse race track of the Korean Racing Association. Defendant E is a horse manager belonging to the horse race track of the Korean Racing Association. Defendant F is a manager belonging to the AT Center affiliated with the Korean Racing Association. Defendant F is a person who is engaged in the business of detecting the illegal conduct of horse racing and lighting instructors by purchasing the above Defendants from the said Defendants, and N is a person who provided money and valuables to the Defendants in return for obtaining unjust information on Jeju and Y racing or manipulating the horse race.

1. Defendant A

A. After receiving the improper solicitation, on May 2008, the Defendant introduced N from B at the daily ceremony of “AU” located in Jeju-do, and then stated that “I want to enter into a good personal attachment” from N upon the N’s request, “I want to enter into a good personal attachment. If any information is provided, I will know about what I want to do. I will do. I will do.).”

On May 14, 2008, the Defendant received KRW 57,350,000 in total on 21 occasions from N to April 23, 201, as stated in the [Attachment 1-1] Crimes List (A), as consideration for an unlawful act, such as receiving KRW 5 million from AV’s agricultural bank account in exchange for an illegal solicitation in relation to horse business, and notifying only the insiders related to horse racing business, such as flag trees, to notify him of the expected horse of 1,200 won.

B. In order to provide N with information on horse and receive money, to raise the rate of distribution, and to increase the winning rate of the horse tickets bought by N, the Defendant conspired with the following numbers.