(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.05.26 2020고단724



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person who violates Emergency Medical Services Act shall interfere with the rescue, transfer, first aid or medical treatment of an emergency patient by emergency medical personnel by means of violence, intimidation, deceptive scheme, threat or by other means, or destroy, damage or occupy medical facilities, equipment, medicines or other objects for emergency medical services provided by a medical institution, etc.;

그럼에도 불구하고 피고인은 2020. 1. 26. 00:41경부터 같은 날 01:10경까지 경북 청도군 B에 있는 C병원 응급실에 술에 취하여 얼굴에 혈흔이 남은 상태로 후송된 후, 위 응급실에서 진료 중인 의사 D(30세)와 간호사 E(26세)에게 “등신같은 새끼들, 뚱돼지야, 하마 같은 놈아”라고 큰소리로 욕설을 하고, 화재경보기를 작동시키며 응급실 바깥에 있는 야간 외래 접수대기실 책상위에 놓인 컴퓨터 모니터를 바닥에 집어던지고 외래 대기실 출입문에서 소변을 보는 등 난동을 부려 위 응급실 의료진들이 이를 제지하느라 진료를 하지 못하도록 하는 등 위력으로 응급의료종사자의 응급환자에 대한 구조ㆍ이송ㆍ응급처치 또는 진료를 방해하였다.

2. The Defendant was arrested as a flagrant offender on the same grounds as the above 1.3 at the time and at the place under the above 1.1.3, and was transferred to the investigation of the Cheongdo Police Station and the criminal team office. On the same day, the Defendant was escorted by Fone Star in order to get into the detention room of the Gyeongdo Police Station around 03:30 on the same day, and was being escorted by Foneone Star in order to get into the custody room of the Gyeongsan Police Station, and the police officers on the 1.666666 on the 1.666666 on the 1.66666 on the 1.6666666 on the 1.6666666 on the 1.66666 on the 2006.