(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.06.25 2019고단1273



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and four months.


Punishment of the crime

around October 2018, the Defendant: “Around October 2018, the 2019 Highest 1273” stated to the effect that “When the Defendant runs a money exchange brokerage business at a casino, he/she may be punished by KRW 500,000 per KRW 10,000,000,000 for 10,000 per 10,000,000,000 won for 10,000,000 won for 17,000,000 U.S. dollars and 68,00,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 10,000 won for 3,000 won for 10,000 won for ever.

For the above reasons, while the Defendant kept the above 4.64 million page for the victims, withdrawn it from the new wall around the time of the invasion, and then arbitrarily used it from the casino to consume it as gambling funds.

Accordingly, the defendant embezzled the victims' property.

According to the records, the consignment relationship is formed only with the victims, so the facts charged are rhyd as criminal facts.

The defendant of "2019 Highest 1861" was a person who works for a travel guide in the Philippines, and was traveling guide in the Philippines for the victim F in August 2018, and became aware of the victim.

On September 17, 2018, the Defendant, with knowledge of the fact that the victim purchased accommodation to conduct business in the Philippines, concluded that “The victim would have caused money exchange with USD 1,00 in the Philippines, so the Defendant would first pay the money to the victim, so that it would make money exchange more at the time of deposit of the money.”

However, even if the defendant received money from the victim, he did not think of the exchange, and he was thought to use the money received from the victim for gambling.

The defendant.