(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.04.12 2017고단5469



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

A person without name (hereinafter referred to as “C”) is a general responsibility for operating a Bosing phishing fraud team that obtains money by accessing the Internet, telephone, etc. to many unspecified persons. The Defendant, upon receiving a proposal from the above person in the name of the victim to collect the amount of damage caused by the phishing and transfer money to the account designated by the above person in the name of the victim, was willing to facilitate a person in the name of the victim to commit the phishing fraud.

1. On March 17, 2017, at around 10:18, 2017, the name influence of the organization of the phishing fraud team is the E-public prosecutor of the Seoul District Public Prosecutor's Office.

Tr's one bank account has been involved in a crime, so that money deposited in the account should be deposited into the account designated by it.

“A false statement to the effect that it received KRW 20 million from the victim’s account (Account Number: G) of F’s name on the same day. F, around 14:40 of the same day, at around 14:40 of the same day, withdrawn KRW 6,00,000 out of the deposited money from the point of view of 67:35,00,000,000,000,000 won from the above deposited money to H. Around 16:00 of the same day, H delivered the above KRW 6,000,000,000,000 won from the front day of the “LpRa” in Gangnam-gu Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, at around 16:00 on the same day, from the Nong Bank on the second floor of the above 19.8 million, the Defendant transferred the account number from the Nong Bank in the name of a person who died in the name of the Nong Bank (J).

Accordingly, a person in unsound name, by deceiving the victim and remitting 20 million won, and the defendant was aware that a person in unsound name is committing a crime of Bosing, but he was able to easily commit a crime of false name by remitting the victim to the account directed by a person in unsound name, even though he was aware that the person in unsound name was committing a crime of importing phishing.

2. Aiding and abetting the attempted fraud.