(영문) 대구지방법원 영덕지원 2018.02.20 2017가단10928



1. The defendants attached to the plaintiff

1. Attached Form among the real estate recorded in the real estate list;

2. The description in the corresponding column of the co-ownership share; and


1. As to the Defendants other than Defendant M

(a) Attached Form for indicating claims;

3. The description of the cause of the claim; and

(b) Articles 208(3)2 and 150(3) of the Civil Procedure Act (excluding Defendant I,O, and P) of the applicable provisions of law

2. As to Defendant M

A. 1) The facts of recognition are as follows: X-Woo-gun, Kim Young-gun (hereinafter “instant land before the instant partition”).

2) On June 1, 1968, the Z purchased 14/218 shares of the land before the instant subdivision.

AA purchased 25/218 shares of the land before the instant subdivision on March 5, 1970.

AB purchased 30/218 shares of the land before the subdivision of this case on January 8, 1980.

On March 28, 1970, the Plaintiff’s father AC purchased shares of 149/218 out of the land before the instant subdivision.

3 The land prior to the instant subdivision was divided into X 126 square meters on April 9, 1985, AD 9 square meters, and AE 496 square meters on September 10, 2002, and the said AE land was divided into a 126 square meters on September 10, 202.

1. The land entered in the real estate list (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “instant land”) and AF field of 192 square meters.

4) Since then, the above AF land was combined into the AG road, and the Plaintiff received compensation for the said AF land. 5) AC, Z, AA, and AB occupied and used a specific portion of the land before the instant subdivision corresponding to the area of each share. The instant land belongs to the area occupied by AC.

6) After the death of AC, on November 7, 2002, the Plaintiff completed a share transfer registration based on inheritance due to the agreement division on June 4, 1998 from the Daegu District Court’s Young-gu District Court’s receipt of mechanical devices, such as Young-gu District Court’s Young-gu Branch Branch, etc., on the share of AC among the instant land. 7) AB died on December 10, 2004, and Defendant J, K, L, M, N, P, P, and Q, their children, succeeded to the rights and obligations of AB.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap's statements in Gap's 1 to 5, 15 to 23 (including branch numbers) and the purport of the whole pleadings.