(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2020.02.04 2019고단1564



The defendant shall be exempted from punishment.

427,00 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Criminal facts

[Criminal Power] On January 15, 2019, the Defendant was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with prison labor for a crime of joining a criminal organization at the Seoul Western District Court (Seoul Western District Court) and the judgment became final and conclusive on October 25, 2019.

【Status of Organization of Criminal Group】

1. B and C, a shipbuilding entity that established a plan for the organization of “Singishing criminal organization” in the name of Joseon Do, E, F, G, H, H, I, J, K, etc. as its office chief. After acquiring the personal information database by means of any unlawful way, they called the data database to the public prosecutor or investigator of the prosecutor’s office or investigator of the public prosecutor’s office, and misrepresenting the data base to the persons in the database. In the course of the investigation, “the facebook was discovered during the investigation.” On the ground that it is necessary to confirm the relevance of the crime, the victims sent money in the new account to the account designated by us or deliver it to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service sent by us.” The victims planned to commit the “Singishing” crime by means of making the victims transfer money to a specific account through cash withdrawal or misrepresenting the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service, and organized an organization for the purpose of the above crime.

2. 보이스피싱 콜센터 사무실 및 집기, 조직원의 숙소 등 물적 시설 마련 B과 C은 위와 같은 범행 계획에 따라 2014년 3월경부터 2018년 3월경까지 중국 지린성 옌볜조선족자치주 옌지(연길)시, 훈춘(훈춘)시, 룽징(용정)시(이하 각 지역을 ‘연길시’, ‘훈춘시’, ‘용정시’라고 기재)에 각각 사무실을 임차한 후 책상 등 가구, 컴퓨터 약 1~2대, 인터넷 설비, 발신 전화번호가 ‘02-’ 또는 ‘010-’으로 자동변환되도록 프로그래밍된 전화기 약 10~15대, 기타 사무실 집기 등 보이스피싱에 필요한 범행 도구를 비치하고, 각 사무실 부근에 조직원 2~3명이 함께 숙식할 수 있는 숙소를 여러 군데 마련하는 등 물적 설비를...