(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2015.06.11 2015고합10



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours.



Punishment of the crime

[2015Gohap10] The Defendant, as a prisoner of delivery in the “D farm” located in the permanent residence C, was responsible for exercising overall control over the business of raising pigs of the said farm. The victim E (or female, 40 years old) was an employee in charge of giving assistance to delivery from the said farm. The Defendant, a general manager, was instructed and supervised on the business of the said farm.

1. On July 17, 2014, the Defendant violated the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Indecent Act on the Law on the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes) made the victim enter the victim’s room located within the above farm by stating, “A person who is likely to spread the date of raising pigs enter the victim’s room,” and then, the victim believed that “the president is believed to believe that the horse is inside the farm, or to be inside the horse.” The president shall be in charge. The president shall not speak. The president shall have been outside of 3 years of a swine farm, but the president shall have been outside of 30 years of a swine farm. The president shall hear. The president shall be frighten. It may not be seen that the victim might not take off without considering the inside.” By using the fact that the victim’s head is not subject to direction and supervision, the victim shall be put into the victim’s chest, and the victim’s chest shall be put into the victim’s chest, and the victim’s chest shall be her finger by placing the victim’s chest and her finger.”

Accordingly, the defendant committed an indecent act by force against the victim under his direction and supervision due to the business relationship.

2. Supervisory parties;

A. A. From July 2014, the Defendant committed the crime at the end of July 2014, saying, around 20:00, at the end of the day on July 2014, the victim called “to enter the victim’s room,” and let the victim enter the victim’s room, and then sit back the victim’s room.