(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.05.30 2018고단6917



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours.


Punishment of the crime

From September 1, 2014, the Defendant had hedginged with the victim B (the family name, the female, and the age of 20) who was in the second grade of a high school at that time, and repeated the Plaintiff’s maturity. However, around February 2018, the Defendant 2018.

The Defendant, while the Defendant was the victim’s hedging, was no longer satisfying. At the time of the teaching, the Defendant satisfing the victim several images and photographs containing sexual intercourses with the victim, which had been taken or transmitted by the victim at the time of teaching, or the body form of the victim on the Internet.

1. 협박 피고인은 2018. 3. 16. 11:23경부터 15:04경까지 피고인의 주거지인 수원시 팔달구 C아파트, D호에서 컴퓨터를 이용하여 ‘E’라는 아이디로 ‘12시까지 대답 없으면 걍 올림’, ‘상상했어야지 이 정도는. 링크 보내줘 ’, ‘아직 아무도 못 봤다.

’, ‘나도 올릴 게 많아서 오래 걸렸네. 너네 과 애들한테 뿌리면 되지 ’, ‘걍 뿌리기만 하면 끝이야 인제’, 'F가 누구지 알아 혹시 너네 과던데. G은 ‘라고 H 메시지를 전송하고, 피해자가 대답이 없자 다시 ’I‘이라는 아이디로 같은 날 20:43경 ’2 views'(동영상이 2회 시청되었다는 뜻)라고 표시된 캡처사진을 보내고, 같은 날 22:05경 ‘대답 안 하면 이게 내가 보내는 마지막 H이 될 거고 천천히 몇 년이 걸려서라도 돈 들여서라도 복수할거다’라는 H 메시지를 전송하여, 피해자와의 성관계 장면이나 피해자의 나체 모습이 드러난 동영상이나 사진을 인터넷에 유포하겠다고 피해자를 협박하였다.

Accordingly, the defendant threatened the victim.

2. A person who violates the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes, and the Act on Promotion, etc. of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (obscenity) shall be punished by using a camera or any other mechanical device with similar functions;