(영문) 청주지방법원 2018.08.09 2018고단194



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On November 26, 2017, the Defendant: (a) opened a three-lane road near the valley, which is located in the Daejeon Pungdong, Daejeon, at around 12:40, entered the intersection of the valley from Daejeon to the Sejong-si, with a view to driving a sports cargo vehicle; (b) the above underground roadway was a road connected to Daejeon-si, not the Sejong-si, but the Daejeon-si; and (c) the Defendant, who made a mistake in the determination of the route, driven the opposite one lane in the speed of about 40 kilometers a speed of 5 kilometers a speed of 3-lane a speed of 40 kilometers a speed.

At the same time, the above part of the three-lane road had another vehicle running toward Daejeon, the right direction, and was a road divided by the central separation, and thus, the defendant, who was engaged in driving service, had a duty of care to move the above cargo in a safe way by requesting the driver to stop driving and stop the vehicle at a safe place and install a stop sign and to tow it.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected this and driven along as it is, while driving it, was driving a D'a car from the direction of the Defendant's running to Daejeon in the direction of the Defendant's running, and driving it into one lane in accordance with the direction of the proceeding.

E( 여, 31세 )으로 하여금 위 화물차를 피하여 급히 진행방향을 바꾸도록 하였고 이로 인하여 위 승용차는 균형을 잃고 미끄러지며 진행방향 우측 가드레일과 충돌한 후 1 차로 쪽으로 튕겨 나갔다.

Defendant 1 caused by such occupational negligence to the victim E the injury of approximately 5 weeks, such as 4, 5, 2, and 5, and the injury of the victim F (32) who was a partner of the said vehicle, to the victim F (32). At the same time, Defendant 1 suffered from the injury of the body of the left 8, 3, and 7,415,238, such as the exchange of the foregoing vehicle for the front panion.