(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2020.04.08 2019고단7424



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months;

2. Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not less than two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Facts of premise;

A. A. Around August 2017, a person who has failed to establish a plan for organizing the organization of the phishing criminal organization (F) committed the crime of “Sing” under the name of the Financial Supervisory Service to receive money from the victims by misrepresenting the investigative agency, such as a prosecutor, etc., in China, to use the account under his/her own name, and withdrawing all of the money in order to directly explain whether the relevant account is related to the relevant case, and then confirming whether it is related to the case, and then returning it to the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service. The person planned to commit the crime of “Sing” under the name of the Financial Supervisory Service, and decided to organize an organization aimed at the said crime.

B. According to the above crime plan, “F” is equipped with physical facilities, such as installation of books, chairs, Nowon-gu computers, Internet telephone, etc., by leasing several apartment spaces in the Blue of China at the above time under the above crime plan, and using them as a lodging place.

C. In operating the singinging office as above, “F” suggested G et al. to invite people to work with investigative agencies by misrepresenting themselves at the call center, and G et al. to access the surrounding people and suggest that “W et al. may impose a large amount of money upon receiving a phone call in China,” and recruited Bosing staff by preparing various expenses, such as aviation tickets, and providing them with accommodation.

The term "F" divided the mentor's method of communicating by misrepresenting an investigative agency, such as a prosecutor, etc., and made it available to new assistants, and had existing members receive new assistants, educate existing members of the method of crime, and designate G, etc. as the team leader and manage subordinate staff.

(e)an officer;