(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2013.04.24 2013고정137




A A Fines 2,00,000 won, Defendant B’s fine 1,000,000 won, and Defendant C’s fine 1,50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime


A and Defendant E are F Center employees, Defendant C are the Chairperson of F Center, Defendant B are the husband of Defendant A.

1. At around 15:20 on July 18, 2012, Defendant A received notice of dismissal from the Chairperson C at the Guro-si Office, G 3rd floor F Office, and whether C was aware of the said office’s dismissal, but the victim did not know.

Accordingly, the Defendant, in whose case the two hands the head debt of the victim was dried up and turned out, and the victim followed the victim into a corridor, thereby causing injury to the victim, such as cerebral lein, which requires five weeks of the treatment date, by putting the head debt back into a hallway.

2. Defendant B, at the same time and at the same place, reported that the victim C (the age of 55) is adjacent to the wife A by taking the head into one arms, and prevented the victim from going up on the floor by breaking the bridges beyond the floor, thereby causing injury to the victim, such as salt, tensions, etc. requiring three weeks for the treatment date.

3. Defendant C’s joint criminal conduct, at the same time, at the same place as E, and at the same time and place as E, the victim A (n, 44 years old), flapsing the head debt of the victim, and E, flapsing the victim’s head debt, and flapsing the victim’s head debt, and flapsing the victim’s head debt, and flapsing the victim’s head debt from the corridor of the above office, and flapsing the victim’s head debt by hand.

As a result, the Defendant, in collaboration with E, inflicted injury on the right edges, tensions, etc. requiring five weeks of the treatment date.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Each police suspect interrogation protocol of H and I;

1. Each injury diagnosis report and medical certificate;

1. Application of each statute on photographs of damage;

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

A. Article 257(1) of the Criminal Act of Defendant A and B (Selection of Fine)

B. Defendant C. Violence