(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2021.01.28 2019고단4042



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant, as a staff member of the corporation C with upcheon-si B and 5 stories, has kept a copy of the customer identification card who opened a mobile phone in the above corporation, used to arbitrarily open the mobile phone in the name of the corporation and to prepare and use money by purchasing merchandise coupons through the mobile phone settlement method and by converting it into cash.

1. On March 5, 2019, the Defendant forged a private document: (a) written application for the change of the short term of D mobile phone “E” in the “application form for the change of the short term” of D mobile phone at the office of the foregoing company using an influence tool; (b) written “E” in the mobile phone column; (c) “F” in the name column; and (d) written in the applicant column “G” on the first day of the statutory life; and (c) written at will on the name of the applicant customer column; and (d) written the written application for the change of the short term of D mobile phone in the name of F in the above manner, such as “F”; (d) written application for the change of the short term of the mobile phone; and (e) written application for the subscription to the selective agreement system; and (e) written at will written the “F” in the name of the applicant column for the document under the name of the head of five pages.

Accordingly, for the purpose of uttering, the defendant set up five copies of documents related to the change of mobile phone devices in the name of F, a private document related to rights and obligations, respectively.

2. The Defendant, at the time and place specified in paragraph 1, stored documents related to the change of the forged mobile phone device at the time and place, and transmitted the document as if the document was duly formed to an employee who opened the mobile phone opening business with which the name of the said company cannot be known, without knowing the forgery.

Accordingly, the defendant submitted 5 copies of forged private documents in a lump sum to be used.

Summary of Evidence

1. An application for change of a forged device with the police statement protocol regarding H of the suspect interrogation protocol against the Defendant, a forged device agreement of the user of phiphone/opon, a forged device agreement, a forged guide on the standard of radio service contract, an application for subscription to a forged selective agreement discount scheme, and a certificate of confirmation.