(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.02.19 2019고단6222



1. Defendant A’s imprisonment with prison labor for one year and ten months, Defendant B’s imprisonment for six months, Defendant C’s imprisonment for six months, and Defendant D’s fine.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 6222"

1. Regarding the Daegu Northern-gu J and the second floor “K”

A. Defendant A and Defendant B violated the Act on the Punishment of Arrangement of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc. (the Act on the Punishment of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc.) (the Act on the Punishment of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc.) decided to operate a commercial sex acts establishment equipped with nine strings, one toilet, and one waiting room in Daegu North-gu J and two floors with the trade names of “K”. Defendant B, as the owner of the said establishment, has overall control over the operation of the said establishment, such as bearing deposits and funds to operate the said establishment. Defendant B, as the head of the said establishment, recruited Defendant B to take charge of the management of customers, sexual traffic women, etc., on the condition that approximately 30% of the operating profits of the said establishment would be paid monthly by the Defendant from around December 20, 2018 to February 14, 2019, the Defendants conspired to employ the said foreigner’s nationality L, commercial sex acts, etc. with the said establishment to arrange the employment of many and unspecified female employees by engaging in commercial sex acts in the Republic of Korea.

Nevertheless, around February 5, 2019, the Defendants, in collusion, employed the L of Thailand nationality, which was the period of stay in the above "K, as an employee of the Ma-si establishment who did not have the status of stay that was over December 2, 2017, and did not have the status of stay that was able to work as an employee of the Ma-si establishment. On February 8, 2019, the Defendants employed the M of Thailand nationality who did not have the status of stay that was able to work as an employee of the Ma-si establishment, which was the period of stay on September 24, 2018.

As a result, the Defendants employed foreigners who did not have the status of sojourn eligible for employment in Korea.

3 Defendant A’s criminal escape teacher, around December 2018, at the above “K” business establishment, and “B” business establishment.