(영문) 광주지방법원 해남지원 2017.12.21 2017고정69



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the owner and captain of Jindo-gun D Ship E (14 tons) and five crew members, etc. who are engaged in Kim- Farming fishery.

On January 11, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 06:00, the Defendant went to and depart from the country with five crew members, F, etc., and (b) went to the Kim-type farm located at the sea of approximately 20 days in the south bank, and carried out the Kim Gathering work.

The Kim Gathering work process shall be conducted at the same time, when a ship goes through Kim Jong-m, installed at the center of Kim Jong-m, while its crew passes through Kim Jong-m, when the ship proceeds at a certain speed, and at the same time to prevent the removal and removal of foreign substances, and its crew members from getting out of the extraction season, and the captain shall continue to stop power and stop at a specified course and speed of the ship in consideration of maritime weather, such as wind and tidal currents, and repeat the power and stop at a certain course and stop at the speed of the ship, as a propeller driving direction for the street of the ship installed at the reservoir (Sides Tr, Sheter, and friendly propeller) moving to the direction of the crossing, and a ship mainly stops at the time of stop or makes it difficult to move to the players or her fore-going vessels or fore-going vessels, and thus a ship is installed at the center of the ship in an emergency direction to avoid using its performance and operation.

The defendant is a captain who must promote the safety inside the ship of the person responsible for the above Kim Jong-maid operations. If the hull was pushed away from the center of the vessel due to the influence of the sea weather, such as wind and tidal currents, the vessel's length has a strong strength in Kim Jong-m, and the crew directly knife Kim Jong-kak, which resulted in a strong strength in Kim Jong-kak, and the crew is at the center at the center. Thus, the crew faces facing the collision in Kim Jong-k, etc.