(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.10.21 2016고합495



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant operated a cream room with the trade name “Escambling” in Busan East-gu D, and the victim F (the age of 48, the age of n, the age of n) was a disabled person of class 2, near class 1 as a result of the psychological evaluation conducted on April 9, 2016 (Aecam 41) and was a customer of the above cambscam.

The Defendant was well aware that the victim, who used the foregoing clocks, read and use Korean language, did not have a concept of figures or time, and that he had access to the Internet site because he had no knowledge of the method of driving the computer clocks, and that he had access to the Internet site, so the victim was well aware that he did not have the ability to distinguish between his intellectual ability and history.

1. On March 8, 2016, the Defendant: (a) around 10:00 on March 8, 2016, 2016, the Defendant: (b) laid down a toilet for women’s toilets in order for the victim, who was gameed in the above scam room, to sleep the door in order to enjoy urine; and (c) laid down a door into the toilet by cutting down the toilet locking machine using the franchis and locking the door into the toilet.

The defendant left the bucks up to the bucks, write down the fucks, and cut off the clothes for the victim. The defendant was able to get off the bucks that the defendant was frightened by the victim in front of the buck, and let the victim get off the bucks, let the buck off the bucks that he was frighted by the victim, and expect the victim to unrhy the body, and then put the bucks of the victim into the bucks, cut down the bucks of the victim, cut the bucks into the bucks of the victim, "the bucks", "the bucks of the victim," "the bucked, the bucked," but the bucks of the victim, "the bucks of the victim," and had sexual intercourse with the victim by inserting his sexual organ into the victim's sex.

As such, the Defendant had sexual intercourse with the victim who has a mental disability by force.

2. The Defendant committed the crime in March 9, 2016 to the victim at the scam above around March 9, 2016.