(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2012.09.07 2012고단2928



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant has been operating a successful bid for neighboring residents for about 35 years from 30 years to 20 years. The Defendant, while operating approximately 10 years ago, was able to escape and pay a lot of money from 20 million won to 20 million won, and began to pay a lot of money to 20 million won in lieu of interest on the above obligation, so that he may pay a monthly amount of money to 30 years from 20 years to 30 years from 20 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 30 days from 20 days from 20 days from 20 days from 20 days from 2000 meters from 3.