(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2015.08.26 2013고단2883




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a period of two years and six months, by imprisonment for a period of two years and by imprisonment for a period of one year.


Punishment of the crime

Defendants and those who reside in China, I, and J are so-called the so-called “Mesing fraud,” respectively, who have shared the following roles:

In the Internet Mebling Mesing Mesing Mesing Mesing Mesing Mesing from the victim's family and relatives, etc., the victims were allowed to transfer money by using the victim's account; Defendant A, as so-called "domestic total liability", instructed the victims to take over the passbook and cash card, etc. of the account to which the victims would transfer money; and notified the victims of the account number to the victims who reside in China; Defendant B, Defendant C, and I, as so-called "domestic consolidated liability"; Defendant B and the victims were to take over the passbook and cash card, etc. to which they will transfer money to the victims; Defendant B and the victims were to take over the passbook and the cash card, etc.; Defendant A and the victims were to take over the account from the victims who reside in China; and Defendant B and the victims were to take over the money from the victims' name and hand over the money to the victims' name and hand over the money to the victims' name and hand over the money to the victims' name and hand over the money."

1. The Defendants A, B, Defendant C, and Defendant C, J, and I’s co-offenders, share the above roles with the names of those who reside in China, J, and I, and share them with the victims’ family members and relatives.