(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.12.09 2014가단26741



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts without dispute;

A. The Defendant is an insurer who, around October 201, supplied and installed Cloxex, Ltd. (hereinafter “Cloxex”). On October 26, 201, the Plaintiff concluded a property comprehensive insurance contract between Cloxex and Cloxex on the condition that the factory of Cloxex and the machinery and equipment in its inside are the subject-matter of insurance, etc. as the insurance period until October 25, 2013, with the insurance period as of October 26, 2012.

나. 맥스로텍은 이 사건 보링기계를 사용하여 그 공장에서 자동차 실린더블록을 생산해 오던 중 2013. 5. 7. 위 보링기계에서 발생한 화재로 위 보링기계 및 갠트리(GANTRY) 설비가 소손되는 손해를 입었고, 원고는 같은 해

9. 23. Pursuant to the above insurance contract, Croxex paid insurance money of KRW 363,490,734.

2. Determination

가. 원고의 주장 요지 위 화재가 전기적 요인인 이 사건 보링기계 스핀들모터의 동력선과 압착단자의 압착부 사이의 접속 불량, 즉 피고가 납품한 위 볼링기계의 하자 내지 결함에 의해 발생하였으므로, 피고는 위 보링기계에 자체의 손해에 대하여는 민법 제580조에 의한 하자담보책임을, 갠트리 설비의 손해에 대하여는 제조물 책임법에 의한 손해배상책임을 진다.

If so, the defendant is obligated to pay the amount equivalent to the above insurance money as indemnity to the plaintiff who exercises the right to claim damages against the defendant of Macrox.

B. First of all, the evidence presented by the Plaintiff alone is insufficient to acknowledge that there was an electrical defect, such as the Plaintiff’s assertion, in the instant bowling machine, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge the existence of the defect. Therefore, the Plaintiff’s claim based on the warranty liability under the Civil Act is without merit.

Next, the Product Liability Act.