(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.09.05 2018고단1222



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, from May 23, 2018 to the Internet bulletin posted on the job offering and seeking job-seeking website B, he/she came to know of the fact that the Defendant: (a) received money from a person at a place referred to in the inside and outside of the country; and (b) received money from such person; and (c) received money from such person; and (d) received money from such person, the Defendant would offer KRW 20-30,000 per day to the bank account designated within the country.

The term “the collection book” was proposed and accepted to the effect that it was “the collection book.”

On May 28, 2018, 10:30 on 10:30 on 28:0 on 2018, and misrepresenting the investigator of the Seoul Local Office of Advanced Criminal Investigation Department E of the Seoul Local Public Prosecutor’s Office by phoneing the victim D, and “F and G bank passbook opened in the name of the party, stolen by using the name of the party, and loans of an amount equivalent to KRW 25 million,8 million, and the number of victims other than the party is 200,000, and six of the offenders are arrested to investigate the party as a witness.” On the other hand, the said employee of Bisher under the name of the Seoul Local Public Prosecutor’s Office of Advanced Criminal Investigation, who assumes the above victim’s inspection by the Seoul Local Public Prosecutor’s Office of Advanced Criminal Investigation, will return money again after implementing the procedure of raising the security level after creating the security level.

“A false statement,” which received 8 million won from the injured party, via F bank account (Account Number J) in the name of F bank account at around 13:05 on the same day.

On the other hand, the above Bosing employee assumes the name of the lending company in the name of the lending company and assumes that he assumes the name of the lending company, and consequently, he withdraws the money if he transfers the money to another lending company, and he takes a necessary loan after raising credit rating by accumulating the transaction performance in a manner that he sets up the transaction performance to the employees of another lending company.

In accordance with the orders of the said Bosing staff, I transferred KRW 8 million, which was transferred to the said FF bank account at around 13:10 on the same day, to the Internet banking account in its name, and then to the K bank account in its name.