(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.10.18 2012가합7522



1. The defendant shall state to the plaintiffs the amount stated in the "total amount of prize" in the attached sheet No. 1, and the principal among them.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is a company running the bus transport business, etc., and the plaintiffs are currently employed in the defendant company and are working or retired as an urban bus driver.

▣ 2009. 10. 26.자 단체협약 제7조(근무제도) ① 근무제도는 1일 전일근무를 원칙으로 하고 월 만근 14일로 하며 탄력적 근로시간제를 적용할 수 있다

(Provided, That the two-day local bus service system is completely implemented on July 1, 2010 and is prepared by labor and management through consultation three months before it enters into force). (2) A company may be allowed to provide overtime, night, or holiday service in accordance with labor and management consultation.

Article 10 (Monthly Leave) The defendant shall pay 230,000 won per annual leave to the driver who has worked for not less than one year as of July 20 for the promotion of the health of employees.

(applicable after the date of the agreement). Article 15 (Annual Paid Leave) The annual Paid Leave shall be conducted in accordance with the Labor Standards Act, and the number of days of unused annual paid leave shall be calculated in accordance with the Labor Standards Act.

(Provided, That the calculation of the attendance rate of 80 percent in the current year shall be 14 days x 12 months x 0.8 = 134.4). The accident-free allowances under Article 18 (Unaccident Allowance) shall be paid 61,00 won per month as of the full-time workers on the 14th day of each month at the same time when the wage is paid.

Provided, That the calculation shall be made on a daily basis for persons under full attendance and abnormal persons.

Article 19 (Long-Term Continuous Allowance) The continuous service allowance for a driver shall be limited to a person with continuous service for at least two years counting from the date of his/her employment, and shall be paid in addition to each year, regardless of his/her full attendance.

Article 22 (Retirement Allowances) The defendant shall pay retirement allowances in accordance with the Act on the Employment of Workers when a member who has worked for at least one year retires, and shall be calculated up to the number of months exceeding a year.

Article 49 (Effective Period) The enforcement of this Convention shall be from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2011.

▣ 2010. 9. 13.자 단체협약에서 변경된 부분 제7조(근무제도) ① 근무제도는 1일 2교대를 원칙으로 한다.

(2) Work hours a day shall be eight hours a day.

(3) A delivery day shall be the full-time day.
