(영문) 대구지방법원 2019.08.12 2019고단2181




A Imprisonment with labor of one year and six months, Defendant B's imprisonment with labor of one year and two months, Defendant C's imprisonment with labor of one year and two months, and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants, 2019 Highest 2181 (Defendant A, B, and C), even though they are not authorized to handle narcotics, are treated as psychotropic drugs, as follows: (a) the following.


The Defendants jointly committed the crimes of A and C were able to jointly purchase phiphonephones and administer them together.

(1) On January 1, 2019, the Defendants jointly purchased philophones, on the street side of the Gandong-gun, Sung-gun, Sung-gun, Sung-gun, Sung-gun, Sung-gun, the Defendants: (a) granted KRW 100,00 to the sales books of narcotics (F), who are an influence of name (hereinafter “F”); and (b) received a large amount of philophones from the Defendants.

Accordingly, the Defendants conspired to purchase philophones.

(2) On January 1, 2019, the Defendants administered philophones by inserting the volume of philophones purchased from Defendant C’s house located in G and 1st floor of Gyeongbuk-gun, Gyeongbuk-gun, and 1st floor as above into the pipe in a glass pipe, and raising a smoke generated by heating the philophones into the pipe for a day-to-day use, and administering philophones in a way of allophones.

Accordingly, the Defendants conspired to administer philophones.

B. The Defendants jointly committed the crimes of Defendant A and Defendant B had a mind to jointly purchase phiphonephones and administer them together with their live together.

(1) On March 2019, the Defendants purchased philophones in such a way as to transfer KRW 3.50,00 to an account known by the said “F” to the account known by the said “F” at around 19:00, and to bring about the volume of the philophones concealed by the “F” before the Daegu-gu Month, the Defendants purchased philophones.

Accordingly, the Defendants conspired to purchase philophones.

(2) On March 2019, the Defendants, at the house of the Defendants in the 1stmopon Co., Ltd. of the Daegu-gu International Building J of the Imopon Co., Ltd., put the volume of the instant purchase in the pipe in the glass pipe, and rupture the smoke generated by heating the volume of the rhopon into the pipe in the glass pipe, and rupture.