(영문) 부산지방법원 2010.12.24.선고 2010고합393 판결



A. Violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Mediation and Acceptance)


2010Gohap566(combined)(C) The offering of a bribe


2010Gohap786(combined)(e) events, such as non-public records and electromagnetic records;

(f) Forgery of private documents;

(g) Exercising a falsified investigation document;

(h) Forgery of an official document;

(i) Exercising forged official documents;


1.(a)(b) The YangA (71years, South)

2.(c)(d). (e) This A1 (65-years, South)

3. D. (e) F.I.D., Kim A2 (51years, South Korea)

4. D. e.bama, former A3 (78years, South) New A4 (81years, South)

6. D. E. This A5 (Res 81 years, South).


Kim Jong-hun

Defense Counsel

Law Firm L&A, Attorney Go-young (for defendant Yang-A)

Attorney Park Jong-young, Law Firm Na, Attorney Ha-soo, and Law Firm Lonnnb

Ro-ro, Attorney Go-de (for each defendant A1)

Attorney Man-gu (Defendant KimA2, New A4, Dog for this A5)

Public-service Advocates (for the purposes of the preceding A3)

Imposition of Judgment

December 24, 2010


1. (a) Defendant 2 shall be punished by imprisonment for two years;

B. Defendant A1 shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for each of the crimes listed in (1) through (60) of the crimes listed in the table of crimes in the annexed sheet of crimes, and for each of the crimes listed in the annexed table of crimes, 10 months, 61 to 72 as to each of the crimes listed in the annexed table of crimes, 1 year, 73 to 79 as to each of the crimes listed in the annexed table of crimes, 1 year and two months as to each of the crimes listed in the annexed table of crimes, 73 to 79 as to each of the crimes listed in the annexed table of crimes, and 1 year and two months as to each of the crimes of offering of bribe. Defendant A2 shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for 1 year and six months, 10 months, 10 months prior to the Defendant A3, 6 months, and 2 million won, and 5

2. Defendant A5 fails to pay the above fine, the above Defendant shall be confined in a workhouse for the period calculated by converting 50,000 won into one day.

3.Provided, That with respect to the defendant New A4, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive;

4. 피고인 양A으로부터 ☆ 차량 1대(**거 **** 호)를 몰수한다.

5. 압수된 은행통장 1매(부산지방검찰청 2010형제53546, 54227, 54230, 57688호의증 제1호), ♤통장 4매(같은 증 제2호), 사증심사시 참고자료 1매(같은 증 제3호), 각 외국인등록증 사본 및 여권사본 각 3매(같은 증 제4호 내지 10호, 제12호), 외국인 등록증 사본 및 여권사본 1매(같은 증 제11호), 혼인신고서 및 가족관계증명서 등 5매(같은 증 제13호), 여권 1매(같은 증 제14호), 혼인요건 인증서 2매(같은 증 제15호), 애니콜 핸드폰 1개(같은 증 제16호), 모토롤라 핸드폰 1개(같은 증 제17호), 위장결혼 관련 서류 메모지 1매(같은 증 제18호), 공범 연락처가 기재된 명함 1매(증 제20호), 대전지검 2009형 제50224호 의견서 일부(같은 증 제21호)를 피고인 이A1으로부터, 피의자 김A2 제적등본 5매(같은 증 제22호), 피의자 명의의 금융계좌번호 기재 메모지 1매(같은 증 제23호), 대포폰 1개(같은 증 제24호) 위장결혼 한국남자 여권 사본들 10매(같은 증 제25호), 베트남 여성 3명에 대한 사증 사본 6매(같은 증 제26호), 신한은행통장 1매(같은 증 제27호), 주식회사 ⑦ 사업자등록증명서 2매(같은 증 제28호), 검정색 다이어리 수첩 및 찢어놓은 다이어리 일부 10매(같은 증 제30호)를 피고인김 A2로부터 각 몰수한다.

6. The penalty of KRW 15.7 million shall be collected from both countries of the Defendant.


범죄 사 실[2010고합393] 피고인 양A은 2008.7.28.경부터 2010.2.1.경까지 대전 ◆경찰서 정보보안과 외사계에 근무하면서 위장결혼 등 외국인 관련 범죄 등을 수사하는 업무에 종사해 오다가, 2010. 2. 2.경부터 □지방경찰청 생활안전과에 근무하고 있는 경찰공무원이고, 이C은 자칭 'E'으로 베트남국 하노이시에 상호 없이 사무실을 차려놓고, 베트남 현지 위장결혼 알선조직과 연계하여 국내 입국을 원하는 베트남국인을 위장결혼, 허위초청 등의 방법으로 국내로 불법 입국시키는 등 위장결혼알선조직을 관리하고 있으며, 이C1은 국내에서 이C의 지시를 받아 위장결혼, 허위초청의 실무를 담당하는 위장결혼알선책이다.

1. The violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes) and the Defendant 2 received a request for the horseless in this case to the effect that, on November 2009, Kim A2, a disguised marriage arrangement system, which is a general responsibility for the organization of disguised marriage arrangement, has been working under the center, has been controlled by police officers of the police station, and is currently under investigation. In addition, the Defendant 2 received the instant request to the effect that, “I would no longer end and expand the investigation.”

On the 10th 12:33 of the same month, Defendant 2 demanded that thisC prepare for and send KRW 10 million, and received a bribe in the way of receiving KRW 10 million, which is the borrowed-name account being used by Defendant 2, “this C2, △******24************”) by means of a transfer of KRW 10 million, which is the borrowed-name account being used by Defendant. Accordingly, the Defendant received money and valuables in relation to the good offices of matters belonging to public officials’ duties.

2. Acceptance of bribe;

가. 피고인은 2009. 11. 17.경 이C로부터 위장결혼으로 불법 입국한 베트남 여성 'D' 이 ◆경찰서가 아닌 타 경찰서에 검거되어 조사를 받게 되자 베트남 여성 'D'이 강제출국 당하지 않도록 해 달라는 취지의 사건처리 및 향후 위장결혼 수사무마 명목의 청탁을 받았다.

At around 14:35 on November 18, 2009, the Defendant contacted thisC and received a bribe by demanding 4 million won for the handling of the instant case and for the purpose of disguised marriage affairs in the future, “this would be necessary to conduct an investigation into our territory, and 4 million won because it would have come from the human place.”

나. 피고인은 2009. 12. 10.경 이C로부터 위장결혼으로 불법 입국한 베트남인 여성 'D1'의 위장결혼 사실이 적발되어 ◆경찰서 외사계에서 조사중임을 기화로 "베트남 여성 D1이 강제출국 당하지 않도록 해달라"는 사건처리 및 향후 위장결혼 수사무마 명목의 청탁을 받았다.

At around 16:00 on the same day, the Defendant received a bribe by requesting money and valuables under the pretext of the handling of the instant case and the disguised marriage affairs in the future, and receiving one million won from his own borrowed account. On October 6, 2009, the Defendant received a bribe by means of transfer of one million won from his own borrowed account. On October 6, 2009, the Defendant knowingly received a bribe by being aware of the fact that he provided cash of 300,000 won for a disguised marriage affairs solicitation in the future from thisC1, a disguised marriage broker, within the public toilet.

라. 피고인은 2009. 11. 13. 21:00경 대전 서구 탄방동 소재 '▲가요주점' 내에서 위와 같은 명목으로 이CI로부터 시가 40만 원 상당의 향응을 제공받았다.

[2010고합445] 피고인 양A은 2008. 7. 28.경부터 2010. 2. 1.경까지 대전◆경찰서 정보보안과 외사계에 근무하면서 위장결혼 등 외국인 관련 범죄 등을 수사하는 업무에 종사하다가 2010. 2. 2. □지방경찰청 생활안전과에 근무하고 있는 경찰공무원, 피고인 이A1은 2008. 11. 28. 대전지방법원에서 공전자기록등불실기재죄 등으로 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년을 선고받아 2009. 1. 14. 그 판결이 확정되었고, 2009. 5. 13. 같은 법원에서 같은 죄로 징역 6월에 집행유예 2년을 선고받아 2009. 5. 21. 그 판결이 확정되어 현재 그 유예기간 중에 있는 사람으로 베트남 현지 위장결혼 알선조직과 연계하여 국내 입국을 원하는 베트남 사람을 위장결혼 등의 방법으로 국내로 불법 입국시키는 위장결혼알선 책, 피고인 김A2는 국내에서 베트남 위장결혼알선 조직 관리인인 이C의 지시를 받아 위장결혼 실무를 담당하는 위장결혼알선책이다.

1. Defendant YangA’s crime

피고인은 대전 ◆경찰서 정보보안과 외사계에서 위장결혼자 등에 대한 공전자기록 등불실기재 등 사건에 대한 수사업무에 종사할 당시인 2009. 11. 24.경 위 위장결혼알 선책 이A1로부터 향후 사건무마 및 사건편의 청탁명목으로 위 이A1 소유의 ☆ 승용차 (******호)를 무상으로 명의이전등록 받기로 약속받았다.

피고인은 2009. 11. 24. 13:38분경 이A1 소유의 위 ☆ 차량을 마치 매매에 따라

의이전을 받는 것처럼 가장하기 위하여 자신의 ★은행 통장(계좌번호 ******-01-******)에서 이A1의 ♤ 통장(계좌번호 ******-02-*****)으로 위 차량 매매대금 500만 원을 송금하고, 같은 날 14:09분경 이A1로 하여금 위 양A의 직장동료인 박C3 경사의 △ 통장(계좌번호 ***-02-******)으로 위 차량 매매대금 500만 원을 이체 송금하도록 하고, 같은 날 14:13분경 박C3 경사로 하여금 위 차량 매매대금 500만 원을 자신의 은행통장(계좌번호 ******01 ******)으로 이체 송금 받았다. 이로써 피고인은 2009. 11. 25.경 위와 같은 대금 돌려받기식 매매를 가장하는 방법으로 시가 500만 원 상당의 위 ☆ 차량을 명의이전등록받아 그 직무에 관하여 뇌물을 수수하였다.

2. Defendant A1’s crime;

(a) Bribery;

피고인은 위 제1항 기재와 같은 일시, 장소에서 위와 같은 명목으로 경찰공무원인 양A에게 청탁하면서 시가 500만 원 상당의 ☆ 차량을 인도하여 공무원의 직무에

In relation to the bribe, the bribe was given.

(b) Any false entry, false entry, and electromagnetic records; and

The Defendant, at the organization that mediates male women in Vietnam who want to enter Korea, received the disguised marriage payment from 'D2', a book of recruitment for female women in Vietnam, and was engaged in disguised marriage arrangement by recruiting disguised marriage in Korea, and promoting disguised marriage.

Around March 25, 2008, the Defendant had Da4 who was to engage in a disguised marriage at the World War Office, which had had had no intention to marry but to marry, and had the public official in charge of marriage who was unable to know of the circumstances, enter the marriage report, including *************************************************), and name D3, into the electronic data processing system of family relationship registration and entered it into the register with Da4 and D3, and stored and operated it. From that time until August 10, 2009, the Defendant had the registered marriage enter the disguised marriage in the electronic data processing system of family relationship registration through a disguised entry into the electronic data processing system of family relationship registration, and made the Defendant enter the false electronic data processing system in collusion with the previous electronic data processing system, and made the electronic data processing system in collusion with the previous electronic data processing system.

3. Defendant Kim A2’s crime

The Defendant, at the organization that mediates Vietnam women who want to enter Korea, to make disguised marriage with men of the Republic of Korea, was engaged in disguised marriage arrangement by receiving the above long-term marriage payment from D2, who is responsible for recruiting women of Vietnam, and by recruiting disguised marriage women of the Republic of Korea, and promoting disguised marriage.

Around June 18, 2009, the Defendant had C5, a disguised marriage, from the Eup/Myeon Office of Chungcheongnam-gu, and the fact that the Defendant had Da5, who had had had had had had no intention to marry, had the intention to marry, enter the marriage registration number***************************************?************?*****?4 by submitting to the public official in charge of computerized marriage report, the name D4, etc., the Defendant entered the marriage registration number into the computerized marriage registration information processing device and entered it into the storage and operation of the C5 and D4 marriage. The Defendant, in collusion with the disguised marriage, entered it into the computerized marriage information processing device at least 14 times in total, and stored and operated it.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with a disguised marriage, entered false facts in the computerized information center for family relation registration, which is a public electronic record, and exercised false public electronic records.


1. Joint criminal conduct in the preceding A3 and thisC1;

ThisC manages the measures and solicitation for disguised marriage with male women in Vietnam who want to enter Korea, and takes the role of distributing funds to the above arrangement measures and solicitation measures for disguised marriage from 'D2', which is a local disguised marriage solicitation measure at Vietnam. ThisC1 takes the role of arranging disguised marriage in the above organization from October 2008 to December 2009 and receiving and executing necessary funds from thisC. Under the above C1, Defendant A3 conspired to enter Korea by acting as an agent for preparation of documents, such as the report of marriage, while arranging disguised marriage with others.

가. 공전자기록등불실기재 2009. 9. 말경 이C1은 신A4에게 베트남 여자와 위장결혼을 하는 대가로 250만 원을 지급하기로 제안하였고, 신A4는 이에 응하였다. 피고인 전A3은 2009. 10. 20. 충남 ♧군 읍에 있는 읍사무소에서 사실은 신A4, D5은 서로 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 신A4로 하여금 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 양식의 남편란의 성명란에 "신 A4", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXXXXXX", 아내란의 성명란에 "D5", 출생년월일란에 "XXXX. 08. 20." 등을 기재하게 한 후 그 정을 모르는 성명불상의 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 신A4, D5이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등 록하게 하였다.

As a result, in collusion with the above-C1 and new A4, Defendant Jeon-A3 had recorded false facts in the computerized information processing system of family relation registration, which is a public electronic record.

(b) Events such as false statements and electromagnetic records;

Defendant Jeon Soo-A3 had a public official in the above name in the above time and place store and operate an electronic data processing system of family relation registration, which is a public electronic record recording stating false facts as above.

As a result, Defendant 3 used false public electronic records in collusion with the above Section 1 and the above new A4.

2. Joint principal offenders in the preceding 3, new A4, and thisA5

On November 2009, Defendant New 4 proposed a disguised marriage to Defendant A5 with the awareness that he/she would face money to Vietnam, and introduced the above proposal to Defendant A3, while receiving KRW 1,00,000 at the introduction cost, Defendant A5 decided to receive KRW 2,50,000 in return for disguised marriage from former 3, and Defendant A5 decided to receive KRW 2,50,000 in return for disguised marriage.

가. 공전자기록등불실기재 피고인 전A3은 2010. 1. 19.경 대전 구 동에 있는 대전광역시 구청 민원봉 사과에서, 사실은 이A5, D6가 서로 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 양식의 남편의 성명란에 "이 A5", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXX", 아내란의 성명란에 "D6", 출생년월일란에 "XXXX. 05. XX." 등을 기재한 후 그 정을 모르는 성명불상의 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 이A5, D6가 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하였다.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to enter false facts in the computerized information processing system of family relation registration, which is a public electronic record.

(b) Events such as false statements and electromagnetic records;

Defendant Jeon Soo-A3 had a public official in the above name in the above time and place store and operate an electronic data processing system of family relation registration, which is a public electronic record recording stating false facts as above.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to use false public electronic records.

3. Joint principal offenders committed by Defendant 1, Defendant 1, and Defendant 1, Defendant 1, and Defendant 1

On December 2009, Defendant New York offered 2,50,000 won to Da6, the latter part of Ma5 of Ma15, who offered a disguised marriage, and introduced Da6, who responded to the above proposal, to Defendant Jeon Three, and received 1,00,000 won at the introduction expense, and Da6 received 2,50,000 won from the former A3 in return for disguised marriage.

가. 공전자기록등불실기재 피고인 전 A3은 2010. 1. 19.경 대전 구 동에 있는 대전광역시 구청 민원봉 사과에서, 사실은 오C6, D7이 서로 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 양식의 남편란의 성명란에 "오C6", 주민등록번호란에 "XX-XXXXXXXXXX"", 아내란의 성명란에 "D7", 출생년월일란에 "XXXX. 09. XX." 등을 기재한 후 그 정을 모르는 성명불상의 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 오C6, D7이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하였다.

As a result, Defendant Jeon 3, Shin 4, and OC6 conspiredd to record false facts in the information processing device prior to registration of family relationship, which is a public electronic record.

(b) Events such as false statements and electromagnetic records;

Defendant A3 had a public official in such time and place as above store and operate an electronic data processing system, which is a public electronic record recording, containing false facts, at the above time and place.

As a result, Defendants 13, 14, and 36 used false official electronic records in collusion.

4. Defendant A3 and Defendant A2, at a disguised marriage brokerage organization led by the aboveC, was responsible for false marriage, from July 2009, and on the end of December 2009, Defendant A2 conspired to enter the Republic of Korea to arrange a disguised marriage between Vietnam and Vietnam, separate from the above organization, with intent to arrange a disguised marriage between Vietnam and Vietnam, by means of a disguised marriage solicitation scheme for the nationality of Vietnam, i.e., the Republic of Korea, e., e., e., e., e., e., e., g., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., c., e., e., g., e., e., e., e., e., e., a disguised marriage.

Defendant Kim 2 and Jeon Dong3 conspiredd to submit the above documents to the said Embassy by forging relevant documents, such as an OC6's employment certificate, to the Embassy of Vietnam for the purpose of applying for a married visa of D7 to the Republic of Korea to the Embassy of Vietnam for the purpose of making a false marriage report about the above C6, and by forging documents, such as an OC6's employment certificate, etc., and sending them to Park C7, a local referral book, to the said Embassy.

(a) Forgery of an official document;

피고인 전A3은 2010. 3. 초경 대전 중구 XX동에 있는 상호불상의 PC방에서 그 전 주식회사 ▽의 대표이사인 강C8를 통하여 알게 된 국세청 홈택스 (의 접속 ID와 비밀번호로 위 홈페이지에 접속하여 발급받은 위 주식회사 V의 사업자등록증명서에 컴퓨터의 한글프로그램에서 "2010년 03월05 일"을 출력하여 위 사업자등록증명서에 발급일자란에 오려 붙인 후 인근 복사집에서 컬러복사를 하였다. 그러나 위 주식회사 ▽는 2010. 2. 25. 폐업이 되어 위 발급일 2010. 3. 5.에는 유효한 사업자등록증명서가 발급될 수 없었다. 이로써 피고인들은 공모하여 행사할 목적으로 권한없이 공문서인 ▼세무서장 명의로 된 주식회사 ▽의 사업자등록증명서 1장을 위조하였다.

(b) Exercising forged official documents;

On March 2010, the Defendants conspired to deliver a forged business registration certificate to Park 37, which is an arrangement for Vietnam, by air mail, and had such Park C7 submit the said business registration certificate to the employees in default of the name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam, and exercised the said certificate as if they were duly issued.

(1) A certificate of employment issued on February 5, 2010

(A) Forgery of private documents

피고인 전A3은 2010. 2. 초경 대전 중구 XX동에 있는 상호불상 PC방에서 컴퓨터 한글프로그램을 이용하여 제목란에 "재직증명서", 주소란에 "전라북도 군산시 XX동 ○번지" 성명란에 "오C6", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXXXX", 소속란에 "토목부", 직위란에 "주임", 내용란에 "상기인은 2009년 09월 07일 당사에 입사하여 현재 재직 중에 있음을 증명합니다.", 발급일란에 "2010년 02월 05일", 발급자란에 "주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 XX동 ①번지, 3층, 회사명 : 주식회사 ▽, 대표이사 : 강C8"라고 기재한 후 강C8의 이름 옆에 미리 조각하여 보관하고 있던 위 주식회사 ⑦ 대표이사 직인을 찍었다.

As a result, the Defendants forged one copy of the certificate of employment as to OC6, a private document related to a fact-finding, which is a private document, in collusion for the purpose of exercising the fact-finding.

(B) Uttering a falsified document

On February 2, 2010, the Defendants conspired to deliver a forged certificate of employment by air mail to Vietnam c7, and had c7 said c7 present it as if the above certificate was actually issued to employees in the name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam.

(2) The lease contract dated February 26, 2009

(A) Forgery of private documents

피고인 전A3은 2010. 2. 초경 대전 중구 XX동에 있는 상호불상 PC방에서 컴퓨터 글프로그램을 이용하여 임대차계약서의 부동산 소재지란에 "전라북도 군산시 XX 동 ○번지", 건물, 구조 · 용도란에 "철근 콘크리트조, 주거용", 면적란에 "71.3m", 보증금란에 "일금 사천만", 계약금란에 "일금 일천만", 중도금란에 "일금 이천만", 잔금란에 "일금 일천만", 임대인의 주소란에 "전라북도 군산시 XX동 번지", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXXX", 전화란에 "010-XXXXXXXX", 성명란에 "윤C9", 임차인란에 오C6의 인적사항을 기재한 후 윤C9, 오C6의 이름 옆에 미리 보관하고 있던 윤C9, 오C6의 도장을 각 찍었다.

As a result, the Defendants forged one copy of a lease contract in the name of leC9, which is a private document on rights and obligations without authority for the purpose of exercising their rights in collusion.

(b) the event of a factual document

On February 2, 2010, the Defendants conspired to send a forged lease agreement to C7 of Vietnam by air, and had C7 ambling employees in the name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam submit the above lease agreement as if it was actually issued to ambling employees in the name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam.

(3) Certificate of OC6 March 5, 2010

(A) Forgery of private documents

피고인 전A3은 2010. 3. 초경 대전 중구 XX동에 있는 상호불상 PC방에서 컴퓨터 한글프로그램을 이용하여 제목란에 "재직증명서", 주소란에 "전라북도 군산시 XX동 ①번지", 성명란에 "오C6", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXXXXX", 소속란에 "토목부", 직위란에 "주임", 내용란에 "상기인은 2009년 09월 07일 당사에 입사하여 현재 재직 중에 있음을 증명합니다.", 발급일란에 "2010년 03월 05일", 발급자란에 "주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 XX동 ①번지, 3층, 회사명 : 주식회사 ▽, 대표이사 : 강C8"라고 기재한 후 강C8의 이름 옆에 미리 조각하여 보관하고 있던 위 주식회사 ▽ 대표이사 직인을 찍었다.

As a result, the Defendants forged one copy of the certificate of employment as to OC6, which was in the name of the representative director C8, with the intention of exercising a certificate of fact, in collusion.

(B) Uttering a falsified document

On March 2010, the Defendant conspiredd to deliver a forged certificate of employment by air mail to Vietnam-C7, and had c7 said c7 present it as if the said c7 were duly issued to employees in the name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam-si.

(4) On March 25, 2010, a retirement certificate of Da6, and a certificate of Da6, March 26, 2010 (a) forging private documents

피고인 전A3은 2010. 3. 말경 대전 중구 XX동에 있는 상호불상 PC방에서 컴퓨터 글프로그램을 이용하여 제목란에 "퇴직증명서", 주소란에 "전라북도 군산시 XX동 ○번지", 성명란에 "오C6", 주민등록번호란에 "XXXXXXXXXX", 소속란에 "토목부", 직위란에 "주임", 내용란에 "상기인은 2010년 03월 16일 당사에서 퇴사하였음을 증명합니다.", 발급일란에 "2010년 03월 25일", 발급자란에 "주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 XX 동 0번지, 3층, 회사명 : 주식회사 ①, 대표이사 : 강C8" 라고 기재한 후 강C8의 이름 옆에 미리 조각하여 보관하고 있던 위 주식회사 ⑦ 대표이사 직인을 찍었다. 또한, 피고인 전A3은 위와 같은 방법으로 제목란에 "퇴직증명서", 성명란에 "오 C6", 주민등록번호란에 "XX

(B) Uttering a falsified document

On March 2010, the Defendants conspired to deliver a false certificate of employment to the person who was infinite name broduler’s disguised marriage broker, and had the said broer submit the said certificate of employment to the employees infinite name of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam, and exercised the said certificate of employment as if they were duly issued.


1. Accompetence with Defendant A1’s D2, Kim C11, and D8

피고인은 베트남 여성인 D8이 한국에 입국할 수 있도록 한국남성인 김C11과 위 D9에 대한 허위의 혼인신고를 하기로 베트남 위장결혼 알선책인 D2, 김C11, D8과 공모하였다. 김C11은 2008. 8. 28.경 대전 ▶구 ◁동에 있는 ▶구청 민원실에서, 사실은 D8과 혼인을 할 의사가 없음에도 불구하고 마치 진정한 혼인이 이루어진 것처럼 허위로 작성된 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그 공무원으로 하여금 공전자기록인 가족관계등록부에 위와 같은 허위의 혼인사실을 입력케 하였다. 이로써 피고인은 D2, 김C11, D8과 공모하여, 공무원에 대하여 허위신고를 하여 공전자기록인 가족관계등록부 혼인관계란에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 그 무렵 그곳에 위 공전자기록을 비치하게 하여 행사하였다.

2. Accompetence with Defendant A1-D2, EC12, and D10

The Defendant conspiredd with Da12, Da12, and D10, which are Korean nationals of Vietnam, to make a false report of marriage with respect to this Da12 and the above D10 so that D10, who are female women of Vietnam, can enter Korea.

Around December 16, 2008, thisC12 submitted a false report of marriage to the public official in charge of the Gu office located in the Dong of Daejeon, Daejeon, without the intention to marry with D10, and had the public official enter the above false facts into the family relations register, which is a public electronic record, in collusion with D2, EC12, and D10. Accordingly, the Defendant filed a false report with respect to the public official to record the false facts in the family relations register, which is a public electronic record, and had the public official keep the same public electronic record around that time.

3. Committing an offense with Defendant A1-D2, UC13, or D1

The Defendant conspiredd with the U.S.C.13 and D11, which are Korean men, to make a false marriage report with respect to D11, so that D11, who is Vietnamese women, can enter Korea.

유C13은 2008.12.31.경 충남 계룡시 ①동에 있는 ♥청 민원실에서, 사실은 D11과 혼인을 할 의사가 없음에도 불구하고 마치 진정한 혼인이 이루어진 것처럼 허위로 작성된 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그 공무원으로 하여금 공전자기록인 가족관계등록부에 위와 같은 허위의 혼인사실을 입력케 하였다. 이로써 피고인은 D2, 유C13, D11과 공모하여, 공무원에 대하여 허위신고를 하여 공전자기록인 가족관계등록부 혼인관계란에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 그 무렵 그곳에 위 공전자기록을 비치하게 하여 행사하였다.

[2010 high-level 786] ThisC manages disguised marriage arrangement and solicitation measures against Vietnam women who want to enter Korea, and takes charge of disguised marriage arrangement measures and disguised marriage arrangement measures, and takes charge of disguised marriage arrangement measures and distribution of funds from D2, 'D2', 'D2, 'D2, 'D1', on Vietnam, as a matter of law. From October 2008, C15 - from November 2009, Kim Da15 - the above organization takes charge of disguised marriage arrangement measures, - Defendant 3 takes charge of false marriage arrangement measures, - from April 2009 to April 1, 2009 - Defendant 3 takes charge of false marriage arrangement measures, - Defendant 14 - false marriage arrangement measures, - false marriage arrangement measures, - false marriage arrangement measures, - false marriage arrangement measures, - false marriage arrangement measures, and - Defendant 13 - false marriage arrangement measures, - false marriage arrangement measures, etc., - - false marriage arrangement measures, etc.

박C16은 2009. 8. 6.경 충북 옥천군 되면사무소에서, 사실은 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 남편란에 주민등록번호-XXXXXXX", 성명 "박C16", 아내란에 주민등록번호 "XXXX.02. 20", 성명 'D12" 등을 기재한 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 성명을 알 수 없는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 박C16, D12이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 피고인 전A3과 이C, 이C1, 임C14은 그 외에도 별지 범죄일람표 (3) (생략) 기재와 같이 총 4회에 걸쳐 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 위장결혼자들이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 이로써 피고인 전A3과 이C, 이C1, 임C14은 공모하여 공전자기록인 가족관계등록전산정보처리장치에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 불실기재된 공전자기록을 행사하였다.

2. Defendant Jeon-A3 and Lee C and Kim C17 conspired with each other at least seven million won on August 2009, on the condition that Defendant Jeon-soo and Kim C/C18 of the Republic of Korea’s nationality and D13 of Vietnam’s nationality are disguised marriage, around August 2009.

신C18는 2009. 8. 7.경 충북 옥천군 면사무소에서, 사실은 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 남편란에 주민등록번호 "XXXXXXX", 성명 "신C18", 아내란에 주민등록번호 "XXXX.02. 10", 성명 "D13" 등을 기재한 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 성명을 알 수 없는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 신C18, D13이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 이로써 피고인 전A3과 이C, 김C17는 공전자기록인 가족관계등록 전산정보처리 장치에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 불실기재된 공전자기록을 행사하였다.

3. On January 2010, 2010, Defendants 3 and EA3 and EC, EC1, Kim C15, and RC14 and EC14 conspired each other with each other on the condition that they make a disguised marriage arrangement, c1, KimC15, Defendant A3, c14, etc. of Korean nationality and D14 of Vietnam nationality disguised marriage.

조C19은 2010. 1. 13.경 충북 옥천군 3면사무소에서, 사실은 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 남편란에 주민등록번호 "XX-XXXXXXX", 성명 "조C19", 아내란에 주민등록번호 "XXXX. 10. 10", 성명 "D14" 등을 기재한 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 성명을 알 수 없는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 초C19, D14가 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 피고인 전A3과 이C, 이C1, 김C15, 임C14은 그 외에도 별지 범죄일람표 (4) (생략) 기재와 같이 총 2회에 걸쳐 가족관계등록 전산정보처리 장치에 위장결혼자들이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 이로써 피고인 전A3과 이C, 이C1, 김C15, 임C14은 공모하여 공전자기록인 가족관 계등록 전산정보처리장치에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 불실기재된 공전자기록을 행사하였다.

4. Defendants Jeon-A3 and Lee C, Kim Da15, and MaC14 (including false entry into public electronic records, etc., false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry into false entry).

이C20는 2010. 2. 11.경 충북 옥천군 면사무소에서, 사실은 혼인할 의사가 없음에도 정상적인 혼인의사가 있는 것처럼 그곳에 비치되어 있는 혼인신고서 남편란에 주민등록번호 "XXXX-XXXXXXX", 성명 "이C20", 아내란에 주민등록번호 "XXXX.02. 10.", 성명 'D15" 등을 기재한 혼인신고서를 그 정을 모르는 성명을 알 수 없는 담당공무원에게 제출하여 그로 하여금 가족관계등록 전산정보처리장치에 이C20, D15이 혼인한 것으로 입력하여 등록하게 하고, 이를 저장, 구동하게 하였다. 이로써 피고인 전A3과 이C, 김C15, 임C14은 공모하여 공전자기록인 가족관계등록전산정보처리장치에 불실의 사실을 기록하게 하고, 불실기재된 공전자기록을 행사하였다.

Summary of Evidence


1. Each legal statement of theseC, EC1, and the Defendant both countries;

1. Each prosecutor's protocol of examination of theseC, EC1, and Defendant both countries;

1. Each prosecutor's statement concerning thisC and Kim C21;

1. Each protocol of seizure;

1. Each written statement prepared in the previous A3, and thisC1;

1. Each investigation report (2010, 445);

1. Each part of the Defendant’s respective legal statements

1. Defendant Kim A2’s legal statement

1. Each legal statement made by the witness EC and EC1;

1. Each prosecutor's suspect interrogation protocol concerning thisC, Defendant YangA, Lee 1, and Kim A2

1. Statement made by the prosecution against thisC1;

1. Each police suspect interrogation protocol on high C22, D6, Kim 23, EC24, Park C25, MaC4, MaC26, D16, and Da27;

1. Each police officer's statement concerning Park C28, D17;

1. Each protocol of seizure;

1. Each marriage report;

1. The entry or departure status of each individual;

1. Each marriage relation certificate:

1. Automobile register;

1. Account details;

1. Each investigation report (2010,566);

1. Each legal statement made by thisC1, the Defendants, the preceding 3, the New A4, the A5, and the Kim2

1. Each protocol of interrogation of the prosecution as to the suspect interrogation of the defendant No.C1, Orc6, the defendant No. A3, EC, and Kim A2;

1. Statement made by the police with regard to the lecture8;

1. Each marriage relation certificate:

1. Each marriage report;

1. A copy of business registration certificate, certificate of employment, certificate of retirement, lease contract, cancelled copy or abstract;

1. Each investigation report [2010 senior 724]

1. Defendant A1’s legal statement;

1. The suspect interrogation protocol against Defendant Lee A1 by the prosecution;

1. Marriage relation certificate and copy of marriage report;

1. USB output [2010 high-scale 786];

1. Each legal statement made by the Defendant Jeon Three and thisC, Lee C1, Lee C14, and Kim C15

1. Each protocol of examination of the suspect as to Defendant Jeon Soo-A3, Jeon-C14, Kim C15, Lee Dong-C1

1. Copy, etc. of each marriage report;

1. Investigation report (the attachment of a list of 'Materned Marriage' prepared and managed by theC, and not more than 136 pages of investigation records);

Application of Statutes

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

○ Defendant Yang-A: Article 3 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (ack of acceptance of good offices, choice of imprisonment), Article 129(1) of each Criminal Act (ack of acceptance of bribe, and choice of each imprisonment)

○ Defendant Lee-Il: Article 133(1) of the Criminal Act; Article 228(1) and Article 30 of the Criminal Act; Article 228(1) of the Criminal Act; Article 30 of the Criminal Act; Article 229, Article 228(1), and Article 30 of the Criminal Act (the fact that the exercise of records, etc. of false entry into each public electronic record, etc., and the choice of each imprisonment)

○ Defendant Kim-A2: Articles 228(1), 30 ( point of entry into false electronic records, etc., respectively, choice of imprisonment), 229, 228(1), 30 (Exercise of False Public Records, etc., and Selection of Imprisonment), 225, 30 ( point of use of each false public document), 229, 225, and 30 ( point of use of counterfeited public document) of the Criminal Act, Articles 231, 30 ( point of use of counterfeited public document, each private document, each choice of imprisonment), Articles 234, 231, and 30 ( point of use of each private document, each of them), Articles 234, 231, and 30 ( point of use of each falsified public document, each of them is selected) of the Criminal Act;

○○ Defendant A3: Articles 228(1), 30 ( point of entry into false electronic records, etc., respectively, and choice of imprisonment), 229, 228(1), 30 ( point of exercise of false entry into false electronic records, etc., respectively, and choice of imprisonment), 225, 30 ( point of use of false official documents) of the Criminal Act, Articles 229, 225, and 30 ( point of use of counterfeited official documents) of the Criminal Act, Articles 231, 30 ( point of use of counterfeited official documents, each of them is in place), Articles 231, 231, and 30 ( point of use of each private document, each of the choice of imprisonment), Articles 234, 231, and 30 ( point of exercise of each of the aforementioned official investigative documents, each of the choice of imprisonment) of the Criminal Act

○ Defendant New A4: Articles 228(1), 30 ( point of false entry into each public electronic record, etc., and choice of imprisonment), 229, 228(1), and 30 ( point of exercising each false public electronic record, etc., and choice of imprisonment) of each Criminal Code

○ Defendant Lee 5: Articles 228(1), 30 ( point of entry in public electromagnetic records, etc., choice of fines), 229, 228(1), and 30 ( point of exercising false entry, public electromagnetic records, etc., and choice of fines) of the Criminal Act

1. Handling concurrent crimes;

The crime of false entry into public electronic records, etc., and the crime of false entry into public electronic records, etc., and the crime of false entry into each public electronic record, etc., and the crime of false entry into each public electronic record, etc., and the crime of uttering of each public electronic record, etc., under the latter part of Article 37, Article 39(1) [Attachment 1] through 60] of the Criminal Act, and Article 39(1) of the Criminal Act, and the crime of false entry into public electronic records, etc., as of January 14, 2009, and the crime of uttering of each public electronic record, etc., as of January 14, 2009, are concurrent crimes between the crime of false entry into public electronic records, etc., as of May 21, 2009.

A concurrent offense between the crime of false entry into public electronic records, etc. as stated in the judgment

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

○ Defendant YangA: the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes)

○○ Defendant Lee-Il: The crimes of false entry in public electronic records, etc. under the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 [Attachment Table 1 to 60] of the Criminal Act; the crimes of false entry in public electronic records, etc. under Articles 38(1)2, and Article 50 [Attachment Table 1 to 60]; the crimes of false entry in public electronic records, etc. under Articles 37(1) through 60; the crimes of false entry in public electronic records, etc. under Articles 38(1) through 70; the crimes of false entry in public records, etc. under Articles 7(1) and 72 of the Criminal Act; each of the crimes of false entry in public electronic records, etc. under Articles 37(1) and 38(1)1 to 60; the crimes of false entry in public records, etc. under Articles 7(1)1 to 72 of the Criminal Act; the crimes of false entry in public records, etc. under attached Form 9(1) through 7)

○ Defendant Kim A2: the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (aggravated increase in the punishment prescribed for the uttering of forged public document with the largest degree of crime)

○○ Defendant A3: former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (A3 aggravated punishment as provided for in the crime of uttering of forged public documents, the offense of which is the largest)

○ Defendant New A4: the punishment as provided for in the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (the heavier punishment and punishment as provided for in Article 33(2) of the Act No. 2010Da5666, Dec. 3, 201)

○ Defendant Lee 5: former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (an aggravated punishment as provided for in the crime of uttering of False Statements, Public Records, and Electronic Records, etc. with any heavier penalty)

1. Detention in a workhouse;

○ Defendant Lee5: Articles 70 and 69(2) of the Criminal Act

1. Suspension of execution;

○ Defendant NewA4: Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act

1. Confiscation;

○ Defendant Yang-A: the first sentence of Article 134 of the Criminal Act

○ Defendant Lee A1 and Kim A2: Article 48(1)1 and 2 of the Criminal Act

1. Additional collection:

○ Defendant Yang-A: Determination on the assertion of the latter part of Article 13 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, the latter part of Article 134 of the Criminal Act, and his defense

1. Summary of the assertion

A. From among the cases of 2010 high-level 393, the compulsory departure from the Republic of Korea against "D" and "D1" is not the defendant's business, and this part does not constitute the crime of acceptance of bribe since it does not have a duty relationship

나. 2010고합445 사건에서 피고인은 ☆ 차량 등록원부에 압류등록 등을 마친 채무를 변제하는 조건으로 차량을 양도받았을 뿐 뇌물로 수수한 것이 아니다.

2. Determination

A. Determination as to the above 1. A's assertion

According to the above evidence, it is evident that the defendant received 4 million won from thisC and conducted an investigation with the police station of another police station after receiving 'D' under investigation at another police station, and received 'D1' case under investigation and received 'D1 million won' request and received 'D1 million won' case and received 'D1 million won after the crime before and after the crime, etc. In addition, it is evident that the defendant received the above money in relation to his duties. In addition, as a police officer investigating a criminal act, the result of the investigation conducted by Vietnam women as a police officer who is investigating the criminal act has no choice but to affect their compulsory departure, and it cannot be denied her duty relationship solely on the ground that the compulsory departure itself is the duty of

The above part of the argument cannot be accepted.

B. Determination as to the assertion of the above 1.B

피고인은 이A1로부터 ☆ 차량을 정상적인 매매를 통해 이전받은 것처럼 외관(피고인이 이 A1에게 차량대금 500만 원을 송금한 후 이A1이 그 500만 원을 다시 피고인의 직장동료인 박C3에게 송금하고, 박C3이 위 500만 원을 피고인의 대출금 가상계좌로 송금하는 방법)을 갖추었는데, 애당초 어떤 부정한 목적이 없었더라면 위와 같은 외관을 만들 이유가 없었던 점, 위 차량 등록원부에 경료된 압류등록 등에 관계되는 채무를 피고인이 실제로 변제하거나 그 등록을 말소한 사실이 전혀 없고, 그 채무를 변제하지 않더라도 차량을 사용하는 데 아무런 지장이 없는 점 등 앞서 든 증거에 의하여 알 수 있는 여러 사정을 종합하면 위 차량을 뇌물조로 수수한 사실이 넉넉히 인정된다. 위 부분 주장도 받아들이지 아니한다. 피고인 이A1 및 그 변호인의 주장에 대한 판단

1. Summary of the assertion

가. 뇌물로 ☆ 차량을 피고인 양A에게 양도한 것이 아니다.

B. The crime of 61 to 79-2009 of the annexed list of crimes (1) is not the defendant's crime.

2. Determination

A. Determination on the establishment of the crime of offering of a bribe

As seen in the part of the judgment on Defendant Yang-A, etc.’s assertion, the above part of the facts charged is sufficiently recognized, taking into account the following circumstances: (a) Defendant Yang-A and Lee 1 transferred a vehicle in accordance with normal transactional relations, there was no reason to obtain false appearance such as accepting money; and (b) Defendant Yang-A did not actually repay the debts related to the said vehicle or cancel the registration of seizure thereof; and (c) Defendant Lee 1 continued to commit a crime related to disguised marriage through Da29 and Cho30, etc. at the time of the said vehicle transfer; and (d) there was no reason to acknowledge the aforementioned part of the facts charged. The foregoing

B. Determination as to the crime in the annexed Table (1) Nos. 61 through 79

In light of various circumstances recognized by the aforementioned evidence, including the fact that the Defendant continuously received money from Postal Co., Ltd. in 2009 and paid money to Postal Co., Ltd. and Mac29 and Mac30 with respect to disguised marriage, thisC paid money to the Defendant on account of Mac29 and Mac30, and the Defendant stated that Mac29 and Mac30 paid money step by step after confirming the disguised marriage process, the above part of the facts charged is also sufficiently recognized. The above assertion is rejected.

Reasons for sentencing

1. Defendant Yang-A

[Scope of Punishment] Imprisonment with prison labor for not more than seven years and six months;

[Special Persons] Active Demand (Scope of Basic Crime Recommendation ] The area of aggravation of Type 1 of Acceptance of Bribery: Imprisonment of 8 months to 2 years;

[Multiple Crimes Criteria] From 8 to 7 months from 8 months of imprisonment [the scope of punishment shall be considered in consideration of each crime of acceptance of bribe for which the sentencing guidelines are set and the crime of violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, for which no sentencing guidelines are set.] [General Sentencing Guidelines] / [Determination of sentence] 2 years of imprisonment (the defendant is a police officer engaged in investigation duties who requested another police officer to stop the expansion of investigation by requesting another police officer, who is a general responsibility of the organization of disguised marriage known, to receive KRW 10 million from another police officer, and continuously received money and vehicles from the members of the disguised marriage mediation organization through several times in relation to their duties. In addition, considering that the defendant's behavior of receiving property without any distance under the pretext of excluding evidence of crime and reduction of punishment, or considering that the criminal is well-known, it is difficult to escape from severe punishment due to the nature of the crime. However, the defendant's age and behavior that has not been punished until the beginning of the crime, the defendant's family's age and behavior in this case shall be determined).

2. Defendant Lee Ll

[Scope of Punishment] Up to 7 years and 6 months each

【Special Convicted Person】

[Scope of Basic Crime Recommendation Form 1] The basic area of the bribe offering No. 1: Imprisonment from April to October [Multiple Crime Handling Criteria]; imprisonment from April to July (the crime of false entry, such as public electronic records, etc., for which no sentencing guidelines are set)

[Determination of sentence] Determination of sentence for the crimes in the annexed crime list (1) through 60, each of the crimes in the annexed crime list (1) 1 through 20, 2010, 724 and each of the crimes in the annexed crime list (10 months of imprisonment, 1 year of imprisonment, 73 through 79 as to each crime in the annexed crime list (1) 61 through 72, 1 year of imprisonment, 73 through 79 as to the crime of offering of bribe, and 1 year and two months of imprisonment (82 times of imprisonment) as to the crime of offering bribe, the crime of the defendant, person is an act of causing serious harm to the immigration procedure of the Republic of Korea, and it is inevitable to punish the defendant with severe punishment, and the defendant plays a key role in the crime in the systematic suspension of execution, and the defendant cannot be exempted from punishment for the crime in the annexed crime of this case by taking into account the following facts: imprisonment with prison labor and unlawful entry in the annexed crime of this case in part before and after the suspension of execution.

3. Defendant Kim A2: Imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months.

The defendant illegally entered a foreigner by arranging a disguised marriage, etc. 14 times, and led to an illegal Stayer. The defendant's crime not only is serious harm to the immigration control procedure of the Republic of Korea, but also is a violation of public trust, such as undermining public trust in the family relations register. The defendant also plays a key role in the crime of this case organized by the defendant, and the defendant has seriously damaged social trust in public and private documents by forging a document without any distance, and exercising forged documents, etc. while committing the crime of this case, it shall not be subject to severe punishment due to extremely bad character of the crime: Provided, That the defendant's age, character, family, environment, etc. shall be determined in consideration of two kinds of punishment.

4. All the defendant A3: Imprisonment for 10 months.

The defendant created a majority of illegal aliens by arranging a disguised marriage at 11 times. The defendant's crime not only is serious harm to the immigration procedure of the Republic of Korea, but also damages public trust by undermining the trust of the general public in the family relations register. The defendant shall not be subject to severe punishment due to extremely poor nature of the crime in light of the fact that he/she took part in the forgery of documents and its events without any distance, etc.: Provided, That he/she is suffering from disease, such as the degree, age, character and behavior, family and environment, etc. of the defendant's crime, and he/she shall determine the period of punishment by taking into account the degree of punishment, age, personality and behavior, family and environment, etc.

5. New A4: Imprisonment with prison labor for six months and one year;

The defendant, by arranging a disguised marriage, etc. on two occasions, has harmed the immigration procedures of the Republic of Korea and impeded the general trust in the family relation register, and the crime has not been considered to be very poor: Provided, That the execution of punishment shall be postponed only once by taking into account the defendant's age, character, conduct, environment, etc., as a disguised marriage is about the degree of introducing this A5 and C6.

6. Lee 5: Fines of 2 million won.

The defendant reported as if he was married with Vietnam female without the intention of marriage and made the Vietnam female enter the Republic of Korea, thereby disturbing the immigration order, and undermining the general trust in the family relations register, and the crime is not good. However, the defendant's involvement, age, character and conduct, environment, etc. shall be punished by a fine in consideration of the degree of involvement of the defendant, age, character and conduct, environment, etc.


The presiding judge, the number of judges;

Judges Lee Jong-tae

Judges Shin Jae-won