(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.05.12 2014나39093

점포명도 등


1. 당심에서 확장된 원고의 청구를 포함하여 제1심 판결 중 피고 주식회사 썬앤쏠트에 대한...


1. 기초사실 제4조 임대차기간 : 2008. 9. 12.부터 2013. 9. 11.까지 제7조 관리비 등의 납부 ① “을(피고 썬앤쏠트를 지칭한다, 이하 같다)”은 수도료, 전기료, 기타 제비용 등 관리비를 “갑(원고를 지칭한다, 이하 같다)”이 고지하는 지정기일까지 납부하여야 한다.

Article 9 (1) "B" shall pay the security deposit equivalent to the amount of the monthly rent for nine months (total contract amount/60 months x 9) as cash or performance guarantee insurance policy at the time of concluding a contract.

Article 11 (Prohibition of Sub-lease and Transfer) (2) The term "B" shall not sublease a brand store and place of installation, transfer the right of lease, nor provide it as a collateral.

(3) Where a cause under the preceding paragraph occurs, "A" may unilaterally terminate a contract, and the amount equivalent to 10% of the rental deposit (hereinafter referred to as "exclusive penalty") shall revert to "A".

Article 18 (3) If "B" falls under any of the following subparagraphs, it shall lose the benefit of the deadline prescribed in Article 4 and immediately order the object and place of installation of the lease:

2. Where the term "B" illegally subleases, transfers, or changes the type of business of the leased object without permission;

3. Where a person fails to comply with corrective warnings issued by “A” three or more times due to the disturbance of commercial order, such as unauthorized occupancy of a passage and various illegal entertainment, etc., Article 19 (5) "B" shall be ordered to order each brand store and place of installation where the benefit of time is lost after the contract is terminated or due to the reason referred to in Article 18 (3);

If such refusal is made, a penalty equivalent to three times the monthly rent (hereinafter referred to as "prepaid penalty") shall be paid from the expiration date of the contract or from the loss of the benefit of time to the completion date of the order.

원고는 2009. 8.경 피고 주식회사 썬앤쏠트(이하 ‘썬앤쏠트’라고 한다)와 원고 소유의 서울지하철 1 내지 4호선 21개역 30개 점포 676㎡ 이하 '이 사건 각...