(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.03.10 2015노4829



All appeals filed by the Defendants and the Prosecutor are dismissed.


1. As to each sentence of the lower court against the Defendants on the summary of the reasons for appeal by the Defendants and the Prosecutor (unfair sentencing), the Defendants asserted that the Defendants were too unfasible and unfair, while the Defendants asserted that they were too unfasible and unfair, on the other hand, the Prosecutor is too unfasible and unfair.

2. In the case of Defendant B, there are favorable circumstances for sentencing the Defendants, such as the fact that the amount of defraudation by the crime of this case by the crime of this case is not significant enough to 20 million won, and that the actual withdrawal was not made due to the suspension of payment, all the Defendants did not have any domestic criminal record, and that they had an attitude to closely reflect their mistakes at the latest and later, and that in the case of Defendant B, the role to which they shared is not relatively more serious.

However, on the other hand, the crime of this case is committed not only by the victim but also by the victim, but also by the whole of our society, the defendants are in charge of the withdrawal of cash essential to the crime in a planned manner in the form of occupation organization and cannot be seen as unhutiled. In light of the fact that the defendants cannot find out the circumstances that the defendants made efforts to recover the damage of the victim, and that the defendants played a leading role in the recovery of the damage of the victim in the case of the defendant A, it is necessary to punish the defendants with severe punishment corresponding to the responsibility for the crime.

In addition, there is no change in all circumstances that are the conditions for sentencing against the defendants compared to the original judgment.

In addition to the above circumstances, the sentencing of the lower court against the Defendants is too excessive to exceed the reasonable scope of discretion, by comprehensively taking into account the following circumstances, including the motive for the instant crime, the circumstances after the instant crime was committed, the Defendants’ age, sexual conduct, career, and family environment, and the conditions for sentencing as shown in the pleadings.