(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2015.09.11 2015가단6312



1. The defendant shall pay 45,400,000 won to the plaintiff and 20% per annum from July 4, 2015 to the day of complete payment.


1. The claim indication Plaintiff stated KRW 30,00,000 on August 23, 2012, lent to the Defendant, KRW 10,000 on February 24, 2013, KRW 650,00 on August 13, 2014, and KRW 850,00 on August 13, 2014, but appears to have been erroneous in light of the amount claimed.

8.14.500,000 won;

8.13.1,150,000 won;

8. Claim for loans of 45,400,000 won in total;

2. Judgment without holding any pleadings (Articles 208 (3) 1 and 257 of the Civil Procedure Act);