(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.09.22 2015고단3444



1. Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to two years and six months.

2. No. 1 of the seized evidence shall be from Defendant B, No. 2.


Punishment of the crime

In operating the so-called “Singing” call center in China, the person under whose name the call center was called to the victims in Korea and was responsible to identify information related to financial transactions of the victims by misrepresenting the public prosecutor’s office. Defendant A and F conspired to perform the role of checking the account holder and allowing the account holder to withdraw the amount of damage and delivering the amount of damage to Defendant B and C. Defendant B and C are in charge of monitoring the Defendant A and F, which is the delivery of the amount of the withdrawal, and delivering the amount of the withdrawal to China.

1. 피고인 B, C의 성명불상자 및 F과의 공동범행 성명불상자는 2015. 7. 14.경 위 F에게 모바일메신저인 위챗(wechat)을 통하여 대출을 해준다는 미끼로 G를 만나 피해금액을 송금받을 통장계좌번호 및 비밀번호를 알아내도록 지시하고, 위 F은 같은 날 12:30경 서울 용산구 한강대로 숙대입구역 인근 상호 불상 커피숍에서 위 G를 만나 대출을 해주겠다고 속여 그의 농협은행 통장과 주민등록증을 스마트폰으로 사진 촬영하여 위 성명불상자의 모바일 메신저에 전송하였다.

On July 14, 2015, at least 12:00 on July 14, 2015, a name-free person who calls from China to the victim H and assumes an investigator of the prosecutor's office, and "the personal information is stolen and used as a substitute passbook. At present, it is necessary to confirm whether the victim is a victim or a perpetrator. It is necessary to confirm whether several persons are a suspect by giving out a complaint, and the resident registration number, name is entered, and the amount of the passbook can be deducted, and it is possible to transfer it to a safe account."