(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2013.12.06 2013고단1581



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

The defendant 190,941,400 won to C who applied for compensation, and D who applied for compensation on 21.


Punishment of the crime

1. [2013 Highest 1581] The Defendant: (a) from around July 201 to around 15, 201, posted 20% discount on the PC bulletin board of Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, stating that “40,000 won is to be deposited; (b) 50,000 won is to be delivered after one month; (c) 10% of the discounted price is to be traded; (d) the Defendant purchased and paid gift certificates at a price higher than that of remittance from the purchaser; (e) 10,000 won is to be traded; (e) 20,000 won is to be distributed from the purchaser to the other purchaser; and (e) 10,000 won is to be distributed from the victim’s account in the name of 60,000,000 won, and (e) 10,000 won is to be distributed from the victim’s account in the name of 60,000 won to the other purchaser’s account.

The defendant has purchased merchandise coupons at a price higher than the amount remitted from the purchaser of merchandise coupons.