(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2020.10.29 2020고단355



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a year and a fine of KRW 300,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100.


Punishment of the crime

[200 Highest 355]

1. On January 14, 2020, at the front of Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Defendant: (a) sought a alcohol test from the police officer D belonging to the police box of the Seoul Gwangjin-gu Police Station, who was under 112 reported that he would drive a drunk; (b) subsequently, the Defendant abused D’s chest four times by hand; (c) d’s chest was pushed off; and (d) tried to display his finger on D’s face.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning 112 reporting processing affairs.

2. At around 17:20 on the same day, the Defendant violated the Punishment of Minor Offenses Act, at around 17:20 on the same day, she scam and scam by talking and acting for about 30 minutes, i.e., “A police officer, such as bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched, bitched,” while under the influence of alcohol.

Accordingly, the defendant, while under the influence of alcohol, had a very rough and disorderly speech and behavior in a public office.

On December 4, 2014, the Defendant was issued a summary order of KRW 5 million for a violation of the Road Traffic Act in the Daegu District Court Kimcheon-gu Seoul District Court's Kimcheon-gu branch on December 4, 2014. On March 28, 2016, the Defendant was issued a summary order of KRW 5 million for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving).

【Criminal Facts】

At around 17:00 on January 14, 2020, the Defendant: (a) driven a F Poter freight vehicle under the influence of alcohol in front of Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and was frightened by others; (b) the Defendant did not comply with a police officer’s request for a alcohol alcohol test, such as a police officer’s failure to take a alcohol test on the ground that there was reasonable grounds to recognize that the Defendant driven a vehicle under the influence of alcohol by one other, including G, and one other, belonging to the police box of Seoul Minejin Police Station, who was dispatched after receiving the pertinent 112 report.

In this respect.