(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.09.09 2014고정890



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The Defendant in the facts charged in the instant case is a way between the fluenites serving together with the victim D, and from July 29, 2012.

8. up to 3. Up to 20 members, including the Defendant and the victim, were put into Japan for the 20 Asian Ethical shelter. On July 31, 2012, the victim went to the hotel room on July 23:30, 201 and went to the hotel room where the victim was silentd, and the sexual relationship became more upon agreement with the victim.


A. On August 10, 2012, around 21:54, sent an e-mail to E, the team leader of the C Public Performance Planning Team, “at home was raped from D”;

(b) on the 16th day of the same month, talks with the F, the CManagement Team leader, by telephone, that “the F was raped from D”;

C. We conclude that G was false on October 2012, 2012, that “D had allowed her to drink to her low, and as she had become unable to resist, D had raped her to resist her.”

D. On August 30, 2012, around 01:00, H, a member of C, stated that “the facts were sexual assaulted. I am out of her opening to the outside, but she was not a person who is not a person who is not a person of her own body,” by using the Facebook’s message, that “the facts were false. I am am her sexual assaulted. I am outside, but she was not a person who is not a person.”

E. On September 2012, 2012, at the first stage of the 1st century, which was in progress at the Roman School in the Sacheon Island, “J was raped from D” and talked about false facts;

F. On September 30, 2012, K, a member of C, damaged the honor of the victim by openly pointing out false facts, “I have been raped.”

2. The prosecutor must prove that the facts were revealed in the case charged for defamation by the statement of false facts, and that the alleged facts were not consistent with the objective truth, and that the Defendant knew that the alleged facts were false, and that the alleged facts were false. In this case, the alleged facts are false.