(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.02.11 2014고단879




A Imprisonment for four months, Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of 4,00,000 won, and Defendant C shall be punished by imprisonment for one and half years.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 879] - Defendants are members of the Y, a stable club, and are in the post-line with each other.

1. On December 22, 2013, Defendant A and Defendant C had a meeting for a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of the above axis-dong in the “Jpanionea” located in the Tong-si, Dong-dong on December 22, 2013, the victim B (Nam, 30 years of age) and Defendant C brought about a dispute on the ground of an inbreath of alcohol.

Defendant A, who had been the victim's bucks located in the middle of Defendant A's buckbucks, was partly misunderstanding that the victim had been a part of the victim's bucks, caused the victim's bucks one time to buck off the part of the victim's bucks, and caused the victim's bucks one time to buck the victim's bucks. Defendant C, in combination with this, was a small bucker, which is a dangerous object on the part of the victim's head bucks and cucks one time to buck off the part of the victim's bucks, followed the part of the victim's bucks to bucks and another bucker's left part of the victim's bucks.

As a result, the Defendants jointly carried dangerous articles, and the Defendant C inflicted injury on the victim, such as the cryption for about 28 days of medical treatment or the cryption for crypary diseases, the open cryp of cocopi, and the pulmonary cryp of the non-defladry frame.

2. Defendant B, at the date, time, and place under the above paragraph (1) of this Article, had the victim’s head head at two times by influence against the victim A (ma, 31 years of age), and had the victim become aware of the lower part of the victim’s head at two times by influence, and followed the victim’s hand and body several times.

As a result, the Defendant inflicted injury on the victim, such as the diversification of a closed heavy aggregates that require treatment for about five weeks.

Defendant C is at the residence of the defendant in Tong-si on September 15, 2014, and at the residence of the defendant in Dong-si on October 28, 2014.