(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.06.09 2016고단628




A and AB shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for eight months, and by imprisonment with prison labor for four months.

However, the defendant AB and AC.


Punishment of the crime

No one shall exchange, exchange, arrange for exchange or re-purchase of tangible or intangible results, such as scores obtained through the use of game water, and no game products-related business entity shall allow any person to do gambling or other speculative acts by using game water, or neglect to do so.

However, on August 2015, the Defendants: (a) in the “V Gameland” game site in Busan-gu, Busan-gu; and (b) Defendant A would operate a speculative game site; (c) Defendant AB would manage the game site as the so-called “head of the office” in the above game site; (d) would issue “cupphone” corresponding to the points obtained through the game to customers; and (e) Defendant AC would like to operate a speculative game site in cash by allowing customers who want to exchange outside the above game site by deducting 10% of the points corresponding to the said “cupphone” from commission.

이에 따라 피고인들은 2015. 8. 27.부터 2015. 9. 9. 02:50 경까지 위 ‘V 게임 랜드’ 게임 장에서, 초밥 왕 게임기 65대를 설치하여 그곳을 찾은 불특정 다수의 손님들 로 하여금 위 게임기에 10,000 원권 등 지폐를 투입하고, 속칭 ‘ 똑딱이’ 로 불리는 자동 진행장치를 사용하여 게임을 하도록 한 후, 위 손님들이 게임을 통해 획득한 점수 별로 5,000점 당 노란색 쿠폰 1 장을, 10,000점 당 보라색 쿠폰 1 장을, 50,000점 당 연두색 쿠폰 1 장을 각각 건네주고, 위 게임 장 부근에서 환전을 원하는 손님들을 상대로 위 쿠폰에 해당하는 점수 중 10%를 수수료로 공제한 나머지를 현금으로 환전하여 주었다.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to do business with the use of the above game water for the purpose of returning scores, which are intangible results obtained through the use of the above game water, and caused the Defendants to do gambling and other speculative acts by using the above game water.