(영문) 의정부지방법원 2017.09.29 2013가단159752



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On December 17, 2012, the Plaintiff: (a) hospitalized in the Category C with Mari Certificate; (b) was subject to MaI inspection in the DNA image department; and (c) on December 18, 2012, the Plaintiff received “Incluorical refluorary refluorary refluorary refluorction,” under the diagnosis of the escape certificate of the Marithical signboards (No. 4-5 et al.) from the above Marithical department (T-5).

B. Even after the above procedure, the Plaintiff continued to have the pain pain, but on January 9, 2013, the Plaintiff discharged the Plaintiff from the prison to the E Hospital run by the Defendant. On January 21, 2013, the Plaintiff was hospitalized in the E Hospital operated by the Defendant.

C. At the time of hospitalization into the above hospital, the Plaintiff complained of severe pains to the extent that the Plaintiff could not conduct the CRI test. Accordingly, the medical professionals in the Defendant hospital appealed to the Plaintiff (hereinafter “instant spine anesthesia”), and decided to conduct the CRI test. On January 21, 2013, the instant spine anesthesia was conducted after around 15:00, and around 16:27, the MF test was conducted against the Plaintiff.

As a result of the MOI test reading against the plaintiff, there was an opinion on the escape certificate of protruding signboards protruding up No. 4-5 in the Trith century (centered expansion, and the escape of protruding disc on both sides, No. 4-5 in the 4-5th century accompanied by the chilling and chronic pressure), the Elithical frithmosis of the same robbery, which is lower than the right side of the 4-5th century, which is lower than the frithal space, the Elithal disease of the same robbery, the dried disc signal change, the Elithic brithic verte change, the Elithic vertebrithic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic s

E. On January 23, 2013, the Defendant carried out an operation on both sides of the Plaintiff 4-5th century, half-part spinal vertecolization, and anti-subvertecolization, and anti-subverted signboards saving operation (hereinafter “the removal of this case, etc.”) on the Plaintiff on January 23, 2013 (hereinafter “the removal of this case”).

F. At present, the Plaintiff complained of urology, batheral contribution, and neutism.

[Ground of recognition] dispute.