(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.03.28 2017가단520487



1. The Defendants are jointly and severally and severally liable to the Plaintiff for 36,571,453 won and the said money, with 5% per annum from December 7, 2016 to March 28, 2018.


1. The grounds for the plaintiff's claim are as shown in the annexed sheet;

(No dispute over the occurrence of an industrial accident, the period of hospitalization of the victim, the period of medical care, and the fact that the plaintiff paid the industrial accident insurance money to the victim in attached Form 2).

A. Income and operating term of the victim - When the accident occurred - It is recognized that the victim can work the truck driving number until he reaches the age of 63 in light of the fact that the victim performed the truck driving number at the time of the accident, the health condition of the victim, etc., but there is no evidence to deem that the income was earned from the statistical income of the truck driving number, and there is no urban wage shall apply to the income.

B. Labor capacity loss rate ① (1) 100%: 36% permanent disability (vocational coefficient 7), Mabro, Mabro - B-2: Not more than 184 pages 184: “B-2 of the Motor Vehicle Insurance Medical Fee Dispute Resolution Council”. “B-2” is an intelligence low (i Q70 degree), ternam power, understanding power, and concentrated power, etc. where it has been proved through a psychological examination or personal examination, and “dual, brain, Y - B-3” is hard to maintain the Plaintiff’s social opinion or behavior with low recognition function or mental and behavioral symptoms, and thus, it is difficult to examine and evaluate the Plaintiff’s life with high level of disability or mental disability (i.e., 9) - 2 of the Medical Fee Review Committee; (ii) - 3 of the Plaintiff’s physical disability or mental condition; and (iii) 9 of the Plaintiff’s physical disability or mental condition; and (iv) - 9 of the Plaintiff’s physical disability or mental condition.

The negligence: The negligence of the victim shall not be recognized, and the participant's negligence shall be recognized as 10%, and the driver's negligence shall be affixed a signboard, a siren, and the operation thereof shall be carried out.