(영문) 부산지방법원서부지원 2020.03.31 2018가단111487



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

(a) C, C, and D, French, are the "E vessel" or "the vessel of this case";

The owner and manager of the ship, and the plaintiff, which is the English company, is the insurer of C and D as the owner of the ship liability insurance.

B. The instant vessel is manufactured and delivered to C by F around November 10, 2009, and the instant vessel is the name cards/structured lines of HD4T output produced and supplied by G Co., Ltd.

In the case of this case, "the equipment to force the above life jackets produced and supplied by the defendant" is not more than the "salvator of this case".

A. The installation was installed.

C. The crew of the instant vessel are "China (hereinafter referred to as the "China") around April 15, 201.

옌텐항에서 이 사건 선박의 안전훈련을 하는 과정에서 이 사건 구명보트의 진수 테스트를 시행하였는데, 위 테스트 과정에서 이 사건 선박의 우현에 위치한 구명보트를 이 사건 진수장치 꼭대기의 고정 축에 올리던 중 이 사건 구명보트를 지탱하는 양쪽 회전고리 중 앞쪽 회전고리가 떨어지면서 이 사건 구명보트는 뒤로 쏠리게 되었고, 외력을 감당하지 못한 이 사건 구명보트의 뒷부분이 찢어지면서 추락하여 이 사건 구명보트 안에 있던 견습 항해사 H 이하 '이 사건 피해자'라 한다

The "accident" in which two seafarers, including B, die and one person is seriously injured" is referred to as the "accident.

D. On October 24, 2014, the Plaintiff, C, and D had occurred. On October 24, 2014, G Co., Ltd, the Defendant, I (J's civil liability insurance company), K (for the liquidation corporation of J, US$ 308,524.55 and U.S. dollars 71,536.56 and U.S. dollars 71,536.56, hereinafter referred to as the "foreign litigation of this case").

The proposal was filed.

During the proceedings, G Co., Ltd and I agreed with the Plaintiff, C, and D on December 14, 2016. According to the agreement above, the Plaintiff, C, and D, and G Co., Ltd are 183,000 lux.