(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.04.26 2017가단5022745



1. A. Defendant A and B jointly pay to the Plaintiff KRW 50,000,000.

B. Defendant C, D, and E are deceased.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On February 19, 200, Defendant A Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant A”) agreed to obtain 420,000,000 won from the National Bank of Korea (hereinafter “National Bank”) on February 19, 200, with the rate of 10.2.19, Feb. 19, 2003; 10.5% per annum; and 19% per annum on delay interest rate; and upon obtaining corporate ordinary loan, the National Bank’s basic terms and conditions of credit transactions and the terms and conditions of loan transactions, and without payment for 30 days from the due date, the National Bank would lose its profits and immediately perform its obligations.

B. At the time of the above loan agreement between Defendant B and G, Defendant A jointly and severally guaranteed the obligation to Defendant A’s National Bank.

C. Defendant A lost the benefit of time by failing to pay the obligation on the agreed date for at least three months.

On March 28, 2001, Defendant A’s above loan claims against the National Bank; the National Bank was a limited liability company specializing in the national company’s company’s company’s company on March 28, 2001; the National Bank was a limited liability company specializing in the national company’s company’s company on June 20, 2003; the Non-Credit Partnership was a limited liability company specializing in the company’s company’s company for the company’s company for the company’s company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company for the company

E. Around October 12, 2016, a national bank, a public company specializing in the securitization of the foregoing bonds, a limited company specializing in the securitization of the company from the company from the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company. The

F. As of October 12, 2016, the debt amount of the above loans to Defendant A’s National Bank is KRW 107,598,122, interest 371,742,560.

G. G died on April 4, 2015, and Defendant C, D, and E, the heir of G, are children.

Defendant C, D,.