(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2014.11.06 2013고단1325




A, B, and C are punished by a fine of KRW 8 million, Defendant D is punished by a fine of KRW 10 million, Defendant E is punished by imprisonment for eight months.


Punishment of the crime

On September 21, 201, the Korea Land and Housing Corporation ordered "L Transmission Line D & D Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the instant electrical construction") to "L Transmission Line D & D Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the instant electrical construction"), and M Co., Ltd, N Co., Ltd. and O Co., Ltd entered into a construction contract with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation and the contract amount of which is KRW 6,25,39,900 upon receiving a contract for the said electrical construction from the Korea Land and Housing Corporation on November 23, 2011 (M Co., Ltd.'s share 40%, N Co., Ltd.'s share 30%, and O Co., Ltd's share 30%)


A The representative director of M Co., Ltd. established for the purpose of electrical construction business, electric equipment sales business, etc., Defendant B is the actual operator of N Co., Ltd. established for the purpose of electrical construction business, electric equipment sales business, Defendant C is the representative director of the O Co., Ltd. established for the purpose of electrical construction business, fire equipment construction business, and civil engineering business, Defendant D owns 51% shares of the O Co., Ltd., Defendant E is the person who actually participates in the operation of the O Co., Ltd., Defendant E belongs to N Co., Ltd. in form and works as the site manager for the transmission of the above electrical construction, and Defendant F is the person who belongs to M Co., Ltd in form and works as the site manager for

(See 80 pages 80, E shall be the chief of transmission of M

1. Defendant A, Defendant B, Defendant C, and Defendant D constructor shall not give a subcontract for the contracted electrical construction to other constructors, and no person shall receive a subcontract.

A. Defendant A entered into a subcontract with the content that, around November 201, at Q Office located in Daegu-gu P around the end of November, 201, the Defendant would have been in charge of the instant electrical construction work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related work-related