(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.08.08 2016고단2911



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. On May 28, 2016, the Defendant visited the Internet site “D” (E) by means of a computer at the Defendant’s office located in Busan-gu Busan-gu Busan-gu Busan-si on May 28, 2016, and then called “pop-up head of a corporate head office” on the customer bulletin board.

Safety 100% Rental of the passbook to a legal entity.

The long-term customer deep-term is the President prone to contact with the President.

A/S guarantee 2 months of monthly rent of 800,000 won, Stockholm, which is a corporate head of the Tong, published a letter "OTP 1.3 million won."

Accordingly, the defendant's act of advertising the transfer of electronic financial transaction access media was conducted.

2. On the 31st of the same month, the Defendant agreed to receive KRW 2.6 million from a person who is unable to know the name that reported and contacted the above advertisement in the Busan East-gu, Busan-gu, Busan-do (hereinafter “G”) at the end of 206,00,000 to receive KRW 2.6 million from the person (hereinafter “G”), and used the KTX-type ship to use the KTX-type bank deposit account (Account Number: I) and the bank account (Account Number: N, as stated in the facts charged of the facts charged of the judgment, appears to be a clerical error).

At around 20:26 of the same day, G was sent to the head of the Tong, debit card, and the OTP security card of the Gu and had G receive it from the Seoul Han River located in 405, Yongsan-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Accordingly, the Defendant transferred the electronic financial transaction access media.

3. The Defendant reported the loss of the debit cards, etc. of the above deposit account to G immediately after sending the debit cards, etc. of the above deposit account to G. On June 1, 2016, the Defendant received and stored them for sale by re-issuance of the passbook, debit cards, andOTPP security cards in the above Busan Bank’s deposit account.

After that day, the Defendant agreed to receive KRW 2.6 million from M&, etc. who reported and contacted the advertisement as stated in paragraph 1 on the road located in the Busan-gu, Busan-gu, Busan-do, to receive KRW 13:00,000, and issued the passbook, debit card, OTP security card, etc. with the deposit account in the above Busan-gu and the bank account in the name of H (J) bank.

In this respect.