(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.01.16 2013가단8165



1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. (i) On October 6, 2012, on the day immediately before the accident occurred, LSTN Co., Ltd. transferred three of LST 200 slst type type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type-type

Selective machine is about 7 tons in weight, about 5.5 meters in length, about 1.95 meters in height, about 1.47 meters in width in the upper part, and about 72 cm in width at the lower part.

B. On the same day, the Plaintiff attempted to transport the scriptive machine inside the factory of E using 15 tons of his own 15 tons, but when the 15 tons of the scriptive machine was unable to transport the scriptive machine due to the failure to enter the factory entrance, the Plaintiff used the scriptive machine introduced through “H” to the Defendant C, who was introduced through “H” (I; hereinafter “the instant scriptive machine”), deducted the equipment inside the factory from the factory, and requested the transport of the scriptive machine inside the factory.

【Defendant C” under the direction of the Plaintiff: (a) in such a way as to put in the opposite side of the equipment of this case the two parts behind the direction of 2 roller board are added, and then take back the two parts of the equipment of this case, and then cut back the three parts of the equipment of this case for about two hours.

At the time, the Plaintiff, along with the parts of the Plaintiff’s body (J, K), directed the Defendant C of the transport operation by way of specifically ordering the operation of the instant vehicle for the sake of providing relief, such as “abrogs, alutia, pushed, spath, and fall,” etc.

x) Defendant C calculated 40,000 won per hour by the Plaintiff and received 80,000 won as transportation fee for two hours.

B. (i) On October 7, 2012, the date of the accident, Defendant C shall be around 09:00 on October 7, 2012.