(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2019.02.20 2018고단398



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. On June 22, 2016, the Defendant, as a medical specialist outside the courtroom, was working as the president of the C Hospital located in the Busan-gun, Busan-gun. On June 22, 2016, the Defendant carried out a removal of snow on the left side of a victim D (the age of 70) who complained of pains due to the gymmetric eye, and a surgery on the ground that the gymoid (the disease that causes pains by using the gymoid to the gymoid and causing pains).

However, the above victim had been diagnosed by high blood pressure and urology for about 15 years before administered, and had been treated for a long time at C Hospital in around 2009 after he received cathogenal surgery. The defendant was well aware of the victim's urine and other relevant diseases, such as urine disease, and the victim was administered at Busan Veterans Hospital on March 16, 2016 due to 2nd rupture disease, which is the left side of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine of the urine.