(영문) 대전지방법원 공주지원 2014.05.23 2012고단476



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

On March 13, 2012, the Defendant submitted a written complaint to the public service center of the Chungcheong Police Station to the effect that “D’s seal imprint A and resident registration certificates are stolen, and D and E, without permission of the complainant, prepare an ordinary deposit transaction application in the name of the complainant, a money loan contract, a mortgage contract, a loan transaction agreement, etc., and receive a loan in the name of the complainant.”

However, there was a fact that the defendant comprehensively allowed the purchase of five parcels of land in F in the name of the defendant at the time D and E co-ownership upon request from D, and the purchase of the land under the name of the defendant.

Accordingly, the defendant filed a false complaint for the purpose of having D and E receive criminal punishment.

Summary of Evidence

1. Witness G, H, I, and D's respective statements in the second protocol of the trial, witness D and E in the third protocol of the trial;

1. Each protocol of examination of witness with respect to E and D;

1. Police suspect interrogation protocol against J;

1. Each complaint filed, each additional complaint filed, and each additional complaint filed;

1. A copy of the official judgment of Daejeon District Court 2012Kadan173 and a copy of the judgment of Daejeon District Court 2012Na16061; and

1. Rights and duties to grant permission for the establishment of a neighboring mortgage (No. 2437), such as a certificate of personal seal impression, a certified copy or abstract of each person entitled to make a registration, a resident registration statement, a letter of loan transaction agreement, a loan consultation and an application form, a confirmation by the person related to debts, a mortgage contract, a written confirmation by himself/herself, a resident registration card, an abstract of resident registration card, a certificate of the object of exemption from the purchase of national housing bonds, additional collateral security contract, an additional collateral security contract, a certified copy of a written consent, a certified copy of a resident registration card, a written application for deposit transaction, a statement of common deposit transaction, a statement of transaction transactions, a statement of personal credit information, a letter of delegation, a written certificate of attorney'