(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.04.26 2016가합4120

손해배상(지) 및 부당이익 반환


1. The Defendants jointly share KRW 40,000,000 with respect to the Plaintiff and the period from July 31, 201 to April 26, 2018.


C. On July 4, 201, E sent the storage contract to the Plaintiff.

The term “K” in this case was drafted in the Korean language, and the nominal holder of the deposit was K company (K, hereinafter “K”) which is a business entity of J-related China, not J.

The main contents of the translation are as follows:

(hereinafter referred to as “instant storage contract”). < by Presidential Decree No. 15800, Dec. 31, 200>

1. The Plaintiff shall use the following 12 punishment for storage and production to K:

Serial No. 1 5-V. 5 MV. 10 MV. 25 MV. 25 MV. 10-1401 MV. MV. 15 MV. 65*60* 2 JF-155 Red Cross 750*750*500 3 JF-1400 2600 2600 3 MV155 2300 230255 MV15 230255 2502502505 MV15 250250*105 110 4 J. 140*180*25 MV.2515 MV.

3. Detailed conditions of storage; and

A. During the period of keeping the pertinent gold-type in K, K may produce and deliver it to the Plaintiff only after receiving the order from the Plaintiff.

B. The above gold ownership is owned by the Plaintiff, and K cannot be transferred, lent, reproduced, or used for any other purpose to a third party without the consent of the Plaintiff.

C. On May 4, 2011, the Plaintiff and the Defendant Company’s negotiation alliance and separate gold-type 1 E were known that the Defendant Company transferred the instant gold-type, etc. to the Plaintiff.

Accordingly, the defendant company.