(영문) 춘천지방법원 원주지원 2012.09.13 2012고합24



The defendant shall be innocent.


Public Prosecutor's Office

1. Indecent acts by compulsion;

A. At around 13:30 on July 29, 201, the Defendant discovered the fact that the victim F (n, 45 years of age) who is an employee of the said mother in the rooftop container box box run by himself/herself “EM”, which was operated by him/her in Do, was committing an indecent act against the victim by forcing the victim to commit indecent act on several occasions by approaching the victim’s behind the victim.

B. At around 16:00 on July 30, 201, the Defendant discovered the victim who is cleaning the guest room, and aided the victim by inducing the victim to drink and committing an indecent act by inducing him/her to do so.

C. On August 1, 2011, the Defendant, at around 13:30, committed an indecent act by force on the part of the victim, by drinking the victim at a multi-use room on the second floor of the 2nd telecom, in which the victim had talked with the victim, and making the victim’s speech that the victim “dwarbbbs so so as to see is,” and by hand, made the victim’s bucks part of the victim’s bucks only once.

On August 2, 2011, the Defendant, at around 15:00, committed an indecent act by force on the part of the victim, by drinking the victim’s mind to force the indecent act on the elevator in question, and making the victim’s words “drums so much of his blood or blood,” with his hand met the part of the victim’s blood once, and committing an indecent act by force.

E. The Defendant on August 4, 201: (a) around 15:00.

At the place indicated in the port, the victim committed an indecent act by force, such as drinking the victim's mind to force indecent acts, putting one hand into the victim's inner part, drinking the victim's chest, drinking the other hand into the lower part, and drinking the victim's sexual part, and drinking the victim.

F. On August 10, 201, the Defendant was C, around 14:50.

At the place specified in the port, the victim is forced to drink the victim's mind to force indecent act by compulsion, put one hand into the victim's inner part, talk the victim's chest, and the other hand in the inner part of the victim's inner part.